Saturday, March 5, 2011

Government for Sale – The Pimps and Their Whores

Author: Jeanette Borges

As our debt rises to 14 trillion dollars and the deficit only promises to increase that debt,  I look on in disbelief at a Congress, regardless of party or who is in charge, incapable of resolving the out of control spending, or as I call it, the pillaging of the American people. What is it about these people that makes it so impossible for them to balance a budget and collect revenues needed to pay down our debt? What is it about these people that they cannot legislate for the well being of the people, that put this Nation and its people continuously at risk and enact laws that seemingly just make everything worse?
Is it rocket science that subsidies to companies like Exxon mobile who paid zero taxes last year are a gross give away in a time when we have to pay down our debt or that now is not the time to give tax breaks to the uber-rich in this country given the debt? Is it rocket science that Wall Street should not be able to “fix” the price of gas or food or that  we cannot afford to go to war with Libya? Is it rocket science to know that if you subsidize health care policies, with a freaking mandate, no less, the prices of those policies would go through the roof?
I have a zillion of those same questions and a zillion times I have the same answer. No, it is not rocket science. None of it is if you are not corrupt. Congress has legalized bribery by enacting campaign finance laws that make buying and bribing a politician legal. Politicians work for the highest bidder. We the people cannot compete with the massive amounts of money corporations and the richest in this country give to politicians legally.
It occurs to me that our government is no longer one of elected politicians representing the people that voted for them, but instead serving pimps. They serve the highest bidder and that makes them whores. Our (as in we the people) problem, is not the Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals and now the Tea Party. Our problem is corruption. We have whores in Congress and whores can’t think beyond their own greed, arrogance and self serving preservation. No matter what your political party they are not going to deliver to you because you cannot pay them to do it! We all have one common enemy: corruption!
Regardless of party loyalty, when we the people stand united against the common enemy that is corruption and those that are buying our politicians and by default our government, we will take back our Republic and have a government that works for us, for all of us.
The onslaught of deceit, immorality, degradation, corruption, power grab, partisanship and greed on the American people by its elected leaders is without remorse or mercy of any kind. The American people are powerless as they observe appalled and their voices are silenced or distorted. To be exposed to the present day governance in these United States is to run a gauntlet of disbelief, disappointment, confusion, powerlessness and ultimately, utter and complete rage and disgust.

So pass it on and remember we are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.

Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies) 

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