Author: Jeanette Borges
On March 17, 2011 Dennis Kucinich's resolution to safely remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan by the end of year failed 93-321. In the end, 8 Republicans and 85 Democrats voted to end the occupation. 222 Republicans and 99 Democrats voted for endless war.
Corrupt politicians that serve the military industrial complex claim we're so broke that we can't afford healthcare, public radio, education, school lunches, infrastructure repair or keep cops and firefighters on the job and then vote to keep spending $118 billion per year on our military presence in Afghanistan.
There is always money for wars. Cut everything that benefits the people and the country but keep spending on wars. Our Congress continues to take from us, the people, and give to them who directly benefit and profit with the laws they pass.
Wars grow government and grow spending exponentially. Republicans and the Tea Party in the House and the Senate that support spending on these wars say they are conservative. When will we the people learn and get it through our heads that this is not so. You can’t be a conservative and support this fiscal recklessness!
The Democrats who are often criized as evil liberals, but vote in favor for these wars are not liberals either.
Both these groups are corrupt whores that serve the military industrial complex pimps and other pimps, like Wall Street and the health insurance oligarchies. They all work together to serve them. They are not divided by political party.
When will we the people get that through our heads. Want to know if your representative is whore and voted to take from us to give to them? Click here. Want to know who is not a whore and voted against pillaging us further? Click here.
On this endless war spending, Democrat Dennis Kucinich and Republican Ron Paul (my hero who always votes against this outrageous spending) are great examples. They are not whores of the military industrial complex so the oppossing political party false argument is not a scapegoat for them. In a passionate speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on the day of the vote, Rep. Ron Paul mocked so-called "fiscal conservatives" who voted to cut funding to National Public Radio, but don't seem to mind continuing funding for the Afghan war. (More on Paul)
Hitler said “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think”. So let’s do that; let’s think.We the people are divided by corrupt politicians and corporate Goebbelmedia who provide the false argument of Republican vs. Democrats so that corrupt whores can work together behind the smokescreen and the distraction. Isn’t it time we all looked beyond the propaganda and political party loyalties? Isn’t it time we united against corruption that allows the oligarchs and plutocrats to take from us to profit themselves? Isn’t it time we united against all politicians regardless of party because of their actions and not their empty words? Isn’t it time these whores stopped talking about cutting school lunches here and NPR over there while they are vote to fund these trillion dollar wars? Isn't it time you saw through their distraction?
Hitler also said that “The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention” Is your attention consolidated against a single adversary, the Democrats, the Republicans or the Tea Party? Isn't it time you listen and see beyond the adversaries that the motor mouths on Fox, CNN and MSNBC say you have when our enemy is really corruption?
Isn’t it time you refused to be divided, suckered and pillaged by whores regardless of political party? It is and it’s now.
So pass it on and remember we are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
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