Saturday, December 17, 2011

War with Iran: Easy Sell to Anti-Conservative Republicans

Author: Jeanette Borges  Twitter @ourrighttoknow2

FYI Ron Paul vs Bachman Iowa Debates (check out the crowd) 

As I watched the last Iowa Republican debate (December 15th) I was struck by the thundering applause of the crowd for the big spending, big government Neocon candidates and their pissing contest to go to war with Iran. It pained me to see the self- proclaimed “conservative” crowd cheering for the “more war Neocons” (an oxymoron so flagrant that only morons believe Neocons are “conservative).

If conservative means small government and less spending (and I think we all agree on that) there was nothing “conservative” about this crowd or the voters that support “war with Iran” candidates. Our corrupt corporate media has been so successful at twisting the minds of the electorate with word games, that “conservatives” think they are conservative when they support big spending, HUGE government Neocons. To be clear, wars explode government. Wars sky rocket spending and worse than that, wars erode our freedoms. To support wars is no different than supporting “big government, big spending” liberals and that may be because Neocons have their roots in liberal democrats who wanted to spread democracy all over the world and came to the aid and support Israel. Neocons and those that vote for them are no different then the supposedly "big spending, huge government" liberal Democrats. They do the same thing, but on wars. They love to spend, grow government and limit our freedom with wars.

The power of the corporate military media industrial complex cannot be underestimated. The stage is being set for another war for the war profiteers. The military industrial complex has always lobbied for eternal wars, but now we have a new actor. The Christian Zionist religious right that have inserted themselves into the Tea Party and the Republican party are actively lobbying (bribing) Congress and our presidential candidates to go to war with Iran, not for their love of Israel, but because the destruction of Israel will bring the second coming of Christ.   There are so many more peaceful,  limited government Christians that respect the Constitution then this extreme group that actively pursues war with Iran and is lobbying to get it. "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5.9) Someone should tell the Christian Zionists.

At the heart of the preparation for any war is gaining public support. The war has to be sold to the populace like a pair of Nikes, just like the war with Iraq was. Who does the selling? Our criminal, despicable, corrupt military media industrial complex otherwise known by fools as our “free press”. Even bigger fools know it as Fox “News”, the ultimate war propaganda tool and the farthest from "conservative" you can get.  Who else is selling wars like a pair of Nikes? Bought and paid for corrupt beyond belief politicians, including those running for President.

The war propaganda strategy to gain public support for war with Iran  will be 1) anti-Muslim sentiment and fear of “radical Islam”  2) the demonization of the President of Iran who said nothing about wiping Israel off the map 3) the demonization of Iran’s nuclear weapons without mentioning the arms race that  started with Israel’s secret, illegal, uninspected nuclear program 4) Israel as a helpless victim that suffers terrorist attacks daily and needs protections even if they have a massive secret collection of WMD that have never been inspected.

Next time you watch the “news” play a game. See how many war propaganda selling points you can find. They report, as they sell wars. You decide if you are going to buy war.

To understand the jaw dropping pissing contest to go to war with Iran at the Iowa debates look no further than those to who can buy wars and have bought these candidates. Look no further than our corrupt media who is selling war. That crowd and those  voters are buying this anti conservative, huge government, huge spending, limited freedoms WAR agenda hook line and sinker with less thought then buying a pair of sneakers.


If you worry as much as the rest of us please leave comments. If you believe in this push to war, but want to make sure you are on the right side of this issue then here is some information. Please leave comments.

1)       Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
2)       Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons (BBC Documentary) - Part 1
3)       Project Censored 24th most censored story Wiped Off The Map—The Rumor of the Century”
4)       Nuclear Weapons and Israel
5)       Israel’s actual nuclear program spurring a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
6)       Jews Defending the First Amendment against the Christian right: Christian Zionists lobby for US attack on Iran/Right-wing Christian Evangelicals, End Times and Israel-
7)       Challenging Christian Zionism -an impediment to peace in the Middle East
8)       Christian Zionism: A Foreign Policy Challenge (American Christian Zionists developed close relations with extreme right wing Messianic Jewish circles, including the Gush Emunim, the “Settler’s” movement,
 9)   Fundamentalism, Terrorism, and Democracy: The Case of the Gush Emunim (Settlers) Underground
12)   Most neoconservative defense intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right.

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