The GOP Using the NRA to Push for Full Blown Fascism and PoliceState
After the Sandy Hook massacre of babies no older than seven
and 6 teachers by a single white male whose mother home schooled him and
legally owned semi-automatic weapons, the National Rifle Association was silent.. until today. Today Dave Keene,
president of the National Rifle Association of America held a news conference
and presented the NRA’s response and proposals to the Sandy Hook massacre. (
It appears that so called freedom loving Republicans and gun
owners, if you follow Twitter, support it. As a staunch supporter of the 2nd
Amendment and believer in why the right to bear arms exists (
) I am flabbergasted, that anyone that
SAYS they love freedom would even consider what the NRA is talking about.
The main theme of the news conference was to ask Congress to
immediately take action to put armed guards in all schools. He equivocates the
threats against Presidents and Congressmen and the peril they are in with the
peril our children are in and therefore they need the same protection. (Of
course children are not normally targets of assassination attempts unless it’s
a terrorist attack. Which by the way is exactly what the Sandy Hook massacre
feels like even if no one is calling it that).He went on and on about why aren’t
we protecting our children by putting
armed guards in schools. I can actually wrap myself around that, if that’s all
we were talking about here. But we’re not. Armed guards in schools means that
from pre kinder age every child in American will grow up in an police state
environment, with a symbol of government
authority and fear to mold them into acceptance of government authority and
protection i.e. sheeple.
It’s not the armed guards that worry me though. It’s what comes
with them. If there are armed guards what will they doing? They will be scrutinizing
every single person that comes into the school. Every parent, sister, brother,
relative or caregiver will be subject to presenting ID and searches. Everyone
without exception will be subject to this. So in order to screen for one lunatic
you strip an entire population’s freedom of movement. To give the state or government this kind of
power is to surrender our freedoms and live in a totalitarian state. This
threat comes from the so called freedom and liberty loving right, not the
liberal left. Go figure. The brilliance is it is all being done in the name of
FREEDOM to bear arms. Brilliant.
In addition the NRA Education and Training Emergency
Response Program
) was presented by Republican ex Congressmen (
take a look at where he’s been, including Homeland Security)
As if putting a policeman in the lives of every child from
pre-kinder age was not bad enough, the NRA thinks “our nation’s refusal to create an active
national database of the mentally ill” is to blame for gun violence. So one of
the NRA’s proposals is that the government (the freaking ATF or Homeland
Security) implement a database of everyone and anyone that goes to a doctor and
is treated for anything that can be qualified as a mental illness. To be clear
that means if you go to a doctor for depression or you are sad (melancholia)
you are by definition mentally ill. (List
) If your child goes to a doctor and is diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Disorder he is labeled for the rest of his life as mentally ill and a potential
threat to National Security. But it gets worse.
Let’s say the NRA gets their wish and the ATF and Homeland
Security start this database, how is it used? If the purpose is to keep the
mentally ill from owning guns, then doesn’t it stand to reason that anyone in
there will be refused ownership of a gun? Isn’t that A HUGE infringement on the
right to bear arms? How the fuck will this database with enormous anti privacy
consequences be used?
How is it possible that so called freedom loving Republicans
and especially the Teaparty speak of freedom and liberty, but actively support
policies that are blatantly fascist and put control of everything in a powerful,
totalitarian government? This includes forcing thru laws to put on everyone else their religious
beliefs, their social beliefs and their belief in corporate control of our government
that favors a ruling wealthy class. (Example: They support Citizens United
calling if free speech, when all it does is promote a fascist control of our
elections.) The right corporate media machine has done a superb job of
brainwashing these voters into believing in a whole host of policies that are
against their own best interest and their own freedoms. It’s stunning.
You have to be incredibly brainwashed if you love freedom, the
constitution and the 2nd amendment to agree with what the NRA is
proposing. You have to be completely
stupid or a hypocrite. You have to live on planet Foxistan to not see what the
fascist corporate oligarch right is doing. While corporate media tell you
liberals will strip you of your freedoms, and they tell you to look over there,
under your noses and with your help they themselves are colluding with those
that scream freedom and liberty to put this entire Nation under a police state
where your every move is scrutinized and you’re considered a potential threat
to ever more powerful government.
If the NRA gets their wishes the freedom to bear arms will
be the excuse to take away every single freedom including the freedom to bear arms. The irony is that every day “conservative”
people who say they love freedom, keep thinking the threat to our freedoms comes
from those evil liberals, communist Obama or Democrats. Newsflash. The threat was always from the right and the
Democrats in power will just go along. They are all on the same page.
No one in their right mind that loves the Bill of Rights and
the freedom to bear arms would endorse the NRA ploy to help our government transition
to full blown fascism and a tyrannical police state. No one, least of all those
of us that believe in the 2nd amendment and why it’s in the Bill of
Rights to begin with. No one.
Ever hear all that freedom and liberty on right wing
corporate media. “The rise of freedom”, “freedom watch” or Hannity freedom this
and liberty that? They are so good at it
that the Teaparty and GOP voters, everyday people, actually believe it.
Fascism is defined as “Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or
intolerant views or practice”. Philosophy of government that stresses the
primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to its leader,
subordination of the individual will to the state's authority, and harsh
suppression of dissent. Martial virtues are celebrated, while liberal and
democratic values are disparaged. Fascism differs from contemporary communism
(as practiced under Joseph Stalin) by its protection of business and landowning
elites and its preservation of class systems. The leaders of the fascist
governments of Italy (1922–43), Germany (1933–45), and Spain (1939–75)—Benito
Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco—were portrayed to their publics as
embodiments of the strength and resolve necessary to rescue their nations from
political and economic chaos.
Listen to any Republican and all of this sounds very
familiar. They suppress dissent by
suppressing the vote, a free press by attacking it as “liberal media” and the
freedom to practice religion or NOT by passing laws that force all to abide by
certain religious beliefs. They speak of
American superiority, exceptionalism, patriotism, wrap themselves in the flag and
glorify loyalty to “fight for your country” to justify the corporate welfare and
redistribution of wealth that comes with eternal wars for profit. They
completely control the media by allowing the concentration of ownership and
putting it in the hands of no more than five people who own our “free press”.
While the First Amendment does not allow the government to infringe on free
speech or the press, it does nothing to protect from corporations doing so. We
have full blown filtered and censored media controlled by oligarchs and
corporations that give us the appearance of political parties and left and
right when in fact Congress is controlled by a plutocratic oligarchy that
serves solely them.
The 2nd Amendment has roots in our history
as a response to “standing armies” and tyranny
Disarming of the Population and the
Tyranny of Gun Control
Before the gentrification of New
Orleans after Katrina the Mayor disarmed its citizens.