Friday, December 14, 2012


So When is the Right Time to Talk About Guns?

Today another batshit white man opened fire in a crowded place and this time it was in a school full of children from grades K thru 4. Imagine that? What kind of demented person does such a thing?  This is premeditated. You have to arm yourself and then travel to where to the place you picked out to unleash hell.

I am a firm believer in gun rights and the second amendment, but it’s enraging to see others with the same beliefs slamming those that are speaking of gun violence who firmly believe that we need some kind of gun control to prevent this kind of horrid violence.

They accuse those evil liberals of politicizing the mass murder of children and using them. So when the fuck is a good time to address this? There is something very wrong when kids can’t expect to go to school and make it out alive, or people can’t go watch a movie and make it out alive or you just can’t leave your house and expect to come home without being shot and gunned down by some batshit crazy motherfucker who has the right to have a gun in order to commit mass murder.

That is not what the second amendment is for. So when the fuck is it okay to speak about this? Some batshit #teaparty and conservatives who hate Obama have been clamoring about him taking away our guns when he has done no such thing. So NOW these same people are saying he will use this to do the very thing he hasn’t done. Some asshole actually tweeted that Obama should be impeached because he is behind the murder of 20 children today to take away our guns.

So who is really politicizing this shit and when the fuck will it ever be cool with these people to speak about the real fact that some fucking people have no fucking business owning a gun? When is it okay to say “damn its wrong that kindergarten children just got slaughtered because someone that had the right to have a gun shouldn’t have had the right”.

I don’t  believe in gun control and the American people should not lose the second amendment because of the select few batshit low lifes that commit mass murder. But we have to address how to make sure batshit motherfuckers don’t get a fucking gun, much less an automatic weapon.
So when, I ask those that believe in the second amendment, will it be okay to discuss this. How many more children have to die a violent senseless death before it’s okay?  Get a grip and stop being so fucking ignorant. We, especially, those of us that believe in the second amendment are the first ones that should be speaking about what to do. 

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