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Speak Up and Speak Out About this New Fake Teaparty
I am not a writer but I don't have to be to speak out and speak up. I have said it before and will say it again: from forced vaginal ultrasounds, huge government right between a woman’s legs interfering with her private choices to plan a family including contraception, to the right to vote and the right to habeas corpus, sharia islamophobes, birthers, truthers, racists and especially the religious right, have ruined the Teaparty and any semblance of good fiscal policy, reducing the debt, small government and personal liberty that it once stood for. The rest of us can't run away from it fast enough.
Before you in the Teaparty say oh that liberal media, did it ever occur to you, that this is a strategy to keep you from knowing what you should know? You can't choose to be informed of that which simply feeds your side of any given issue. To be informed, truly informed, you must consume news that does not simply appeal to you. I am a Fox Noise survivor and the Foxification of my brain. Its why I can truly fight for freedom and liberty and see a threat regardless where it comes from. When I hear Republicans and the Teaparty say that voter suppression and election fraud is not a problem simply because Democrats and "liberal media" report it, I am sickened. We are divided and conquered and no longer give a rats ass about freedom and liberty unless its your own. Their rights are your rights.
Your attention consolidated against the Democrats, the Republicans, the Tea Party, etc? While you are looking there, we are being pillaged by corrupt politicians that serve the highest bidders. Isn’t it time you refused to be divided, suckered and pillaged by political whores regardless of political party who are for sale with the help of corrupt corporate media? It is time and it is now. Only an informed citizenry can take back their govn from those who can buy it
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
There was a time the Tea Party stood for fiscal responsibility, small government and liberty. It started under President Bush, in opposition to the trillion dollar debt and deficits brought about by the wars, the corrupt gift horse to the drug companies known as Medicare Part D and the fiscal recklessness of tax cuts in war time while spending on wars soared. In the space of 6 years the Bush presidency took us from a surplus to trillions in debts and deficits.
War Clouds Form over Iran - by Wayne Madsen - 2011-11-10
When War Games Go Live. Preparing to Attack Iran. "Simulating World War III" - by Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-01-08 With ongoing war games on both sides, armed hostilities between the US-Israel led coalition and Iran are, according to Israeli military analysts, "dangerously close". Situation is ripe for false flag incident
I seeTeocons. I see them everywhere.
There was a time the Tea Party stood for fiscal responsibility, small government and liberty. It started under President Bush, in opposition to the trillion dollar debt and deficits brought about by the wars, the corrupt gift horse to the drug companies known as Medicare Part D and the fiscal recklessness of tax cuts in war time while spending on wars soared. In the space of 6 years the Bush presidency took us from a surplus to trillions in debts and deficits.
Something has happened to that Tea
Party. It has morphed into something unrecognizable, since Obama was elected
President, far from the principles that were at the heart of the movement. It
has morphed into an organization of con artists, imitation conservatives,
racists, Christian zealots, Sharia law fanatics and co opted by corporate
interests, that have overtaken the movement and falsely call it their own. Saddest
of all, the last thing any of these people stand for is freedom and liberty for
all and small government. They are teocons.
You know, the Tea Party grew into numbers that
made it a force to be reckoned with after President Obama was elected mainly
because of Obamycare, the Republican brainchild of yet more
corporate welfare to health
insurance companies with a mandate no less, to buy now ever
rising price gouging policies in anticipation of those subsidies in 2013. (One
wonders who was really in power while Democrats held both houses in Congress
when Republicans were able to get Romneycare passed at the Federal level. Mind
boggling. Nothing is what it seems in the criminal syndicate run on legalized
bribes slash/ brothel that is Congress, in recent history.)
In 2000 as in decades before, we had Medicare,
Social Security, Medicaid, food stamps and yes, even Planned Parenthood.
What we didn’t have back then were trillion dollar a year wars,
the reckless, unpatriotic tax cuts for war profiteers and the uber wealthy in
war time and the trillion dollar corrupt gift horses to corporate America,
especially the drug companies. Yet corrupt Republican and Democrat politicians
alike, will have you believe now, that we got into the fiscal mess we are in by
spending on Medicare and
Social Security and other social programs.
Wars don’t pay for themselves, especially ones
that cost 1 trillion a
year. So you borrow (or steal) from Social Security
and blame the trillions in debt on social programs in order to
fund the wars. We, you and I, pay for our social programs, but a corrupt,
treasonous Congress has taken that money. They go to work with one thing in
mind: how much of the taxpayer pie can they give to their campaign donors who
profit with wars or sell insurance,
etc. Regardless, the Tea Party was about the fiscal recklessness of these wars
and corrupt laws that take from the
taxpayer pie to give to the highest bidders, like pharma.
Those that have been part of the original Tea
Party movement a little longer than the newer organized “Tea Party”
organizations since the election of President Obama, are very troubled that the
original Tea Party’s message is being lost due to the integration of other
issues, such as abortion and Planned Parenthood. The Tea Party was about small
government, not forcing women to have vaginal ultrasounds, forcing women to
have a baby even after rape or incest and closing down Planned Parenthood who
in reality due to the contraception they provide have prevented more abortions
then they perform and who spend 3% of their budget on abortions.
The Tea Party was never about the birther crowd that
would not even exist if this President’s name was not Hussein, was White and the
religious right were not Islamaphobes. To listen to the calls for this
man’s birth certificate after he has provided
it twice makes the Tea Party look like the racist, aluminum,
foil hat party. These distractions are completely overshadowing the original
message of the Tea Party. The Tea Party was never about freaking Sharia law but
now it is.
The Tea Party was about freedom and liberty, not about making it harder to vote. Republican state legislatures thanks to this new breed of Tea Party is doing just that. They would rather win by making harder for the opposition to vote instead of by the merits of their values and policies. It is sickening to see so called “patriots” agree with this targeting of voters who typically vote Democrat. It’s freedom and liberty for us, the Tea Party, but not for any of you. Patriot? BS.
The Tea Party was about freedom and liberty, not about making it harder to vote. Republican state legislatures thanks to this new breed of Tea Party is doing just that. They would rather win by making harder for the opposition to vote instead of by the merits of their values and policies. It is sickening to see so called “patriots” agree with this targeting of voters who typically vote Democrat. It’s freedom and liberty for us, the Tea Party, but not for any of you. Patriot? BS.
The Tea Party was about fiscal responsibility,
not spending trillions on wars. Bombing Iran is the new Tea Party’s mission
since the Christian right infiltrated it.
The original Tea Party is worried about corporate and
plutocrat agendas becoming the agendas of the Tea Party
organizations. They especially worry that the Tea Party is all of
a sudden the "Teocon
Neocon Party hijacked and co-opted by corrupt
Republican, war oligarchy hawks that got us into this fiscal
mess to begin with and who continue with the likes of Bachman, Pence, Goehmert,
Huckabee, Palin, Army, Rove amongst others and the motor mouths on Fox News and
every other oligarchy corporate ", media outlet that sold us, like pair of
Nikes, every war we are in!
The Tea Party is being blamed for the birthers and the
religious, tyrannical right, Sharia law crap, tax cuts for war profiteers,
attacking voting rights, forced ultrasounds and family planning intrusions and
when that happens the message to end spending on wars and Empires, to end
corporate subsidies and to end an oligarchy that is served by corrupt
politicians in Congress, is lost.
In addition, the Tea
Party has lost the bipartisanship it once enjoyed! Independents
and liberals are running the other way from the distorted messages that are not
related to the original movement that they are getting now! As an independent,
whose vote the Tea Party needs, I am speaking from experience
Choose! Are you the party of the religious
right that wants HUGE government, invasion of privacy, anti-conservative
government that extends right into the doctor's office and the wombs of every
woman in the United States deciding for you whether or not you can have
access to contraception and women’s health because of the despotic religious
right who don’t know how to live and let live and let God be the judge? Are you
the gay hate party
that does not know how to live and let live? Are you the birther or fringe
white, Christian, racist party that hates Obama because he is
Black? Are you the scared of
Muslims, "Anti -Sharia Law
Party"? Are you a divided and conquered partisan
ignoramus who attacks fellow Americans that happen not to agree with the right,
who vote Democrat, of not loving their country and being Marxist as
if you were somehow more patriotic then them? Are you a victim of media motor
mouths from Glenn Beck to Ed Schultz whose sole purpose is to divide and
conquer so that the American people never unite to take their country back from
a plutocratic oligarchy and because of that attack the Occupy Wall Street
movement which you are clueless to know, seeks the very things you do and with
whom you have so much in common?
Better yet, are you all of a sudden the "
Neocon Teocon Party", hijacked and co-opted by Republican war
hawks that got us into this fiscal mess? Do you call yourself a
conservative but want to bomb Iran? Newsflash! Conservative
means less spending, smaller government and freedom. Wars EXPLODE
government and spending, destroy our fiscal soundness, explode
the debt and in times of war, government strips us of our freedoms. So
if you want to vote for a bomb Iran candidate you are a conservative
fraud. Most importantly, McCain lost to Obama because of his bomb,
bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran crap. When Republicans nominate another bomb Iran
candidate they will be electing Democrats in 2016.
So what the hell are you? Choose! Are
you or are you not the Tea Party that started with the core
concepts of fiscal responsibility and limited government which means an end to
these wars that grows government exponentially and ruins us fiscally? What
are you? Choose! Because the true Tea Party message is lost
amongst all those other religious, anti-Muslim, bomb Iran, anti-contraception,
stop the other side from voting, cut Medicare, cut Social Security, etc.
imitation tea party, TEOCON messages.
By Jeanette Borges
Jeanette Borges is a Floridian, independent,
leaning conservative, free thinking, non-partisan who blames the American
electorate, especially Republicans who call themselves “conservatives” but are
no such thing, for the current state of our Nation.
An earlier version of this subject
An earlier version of this subject
Voter Suppression, the new way to win
elections from the not so freedom and liberty Republican party (but they’ll
tell you its about dead people voting and voting fraud)
Redistributive Militarism: Escalating Military
Spending as Disguised Income Redistribution from Bottom to Top
$1.2 Trillion for National Security
Parasitic Imperialism: The economics of war profiteering-How recent
U.S. wars of choice, driven largely by war profiteering, are plundering not
only defenseless peoples and their resources abroad, but also the overwhelming
majority of U.S. citizens and their resources at home.
Stealing from Social Security to Pay for Wars
and Bailouts
The Lucky Thirteen Corrupt Teocons in the
Georgia judge orders Obama to appear in court
for hearing on attempt to keep him off ballot
War Clouds Form over Iran - by Wayne Madsen - 2011-11-10
Russia and China have warned the West against
any military attack on Iran. The words being used in international diplomacy
are reminiscent of the Cold War era..
When War Games Go Live. Preparing to Attack Iran. "Simulating World War III" - by Michel Chossudovsky - 2012-01-08 With ongoing war games on both sides, armed hostilities between the US-Israel led coalition and Iran are, according to Israeli military analysts, "dangerously close". Situation is ripe for false flag incident
World War
III: The Launching of a Preemptive Nuclear War against Iran - by Michel
Chossudovsky - 2011-12-04 World War III is not front-page news. The mainstream
media has excluded in-depth analysis and debate on the implications of these
war plans.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
The Republican Party- A Danger to the Republic With Rigged Elections
01/26/2013- Three Strategies to Block the Gerrymandering of the Electoral College
01/25/2013- Jase Bolger, Michigan GOP House Speaker, Open To Changing State's Electoral College Allocation
01/24/2013- Fair Vote, Group Working To Reform Electoral College Condemns GOP’s ‘Indefensible’ Virginia Scheme
We say we are a free people because we vote. We dare to pass
judgment on other Nations when dictators who stay in power for decades do so
thru rigged elections. Indeed one of the characteristics of totalitarian and
tyrannical and fascist governments is rigged elections. I remember how upset
the Teaparty , the right and Fox News was about the “rigged” elections in Iran.
Rightly so.
Red Map is Republican endeavor to systemically win elections. This is from their own website (
“On November 6, 2012, Barack Obama was
reelected President of the United States by nearly a three-point margin,
winning 332 electoral votes to Mitt Romney’s 206 while garnering nearly 3.5
million more votes. Democrats also celebrated victories in 69 percent of
U.S. Senate elections, winning 23 of 33 contests. Farther down-ballot,
aggregated numbers show voters pulled the lever for Republicans only 49 percent
of the time in congressional races, suggesting that 2012 could have been a
repeat of 2008, when voters gave control of the White House and both chambers
of Congress to Democrats”
Did you catch that last sentence? Democrats
won 51% of Congressional votes. Republicans only 49%. Yet Republicans held on
to the House. (Instead,
Republicans enjoy a 33-seat margin in the U.S. House seated yesterday in the
113th Congress, having endured Democratic successes atop the ticket and over
one million more votes cast for Democratic House candidates than Republicans”)
Now after flipping state legislatures, Republican state legislatures, very quietly, are preparing to use their Red Map strategy in order to rig the Presidential elections in 2016. (Rachel Maddow explains it here ) Before my conservative followers grunt in disgust, it should not surprise that she would pick this story up first and Fox has not covered it. Fox will not tell you what you don’t want to hear since they are corporate media for profit and simply feed red meat to a targeted audience.
Please see all the links at the bottom for updates on this huge, huge story.
Anyways, Republicans, and there is no easy way to say it, plan to rig presidential elections so democrats can never ever win. What happens in a country when the will of the people, is ignored and the will of a select group is imposed? It’s tyranny.
Now after flipping state legislatures, Republican state legislatures, very quietly, are preparing to use their Red Map strategy in order to rig the Presidential elections in 2016. (Rachel Maddow explains it here ) Before my conservative followers grunt in disgust, it should not surprise that she would pick this story up first and Fox has not covered it. Fox will not tell you what you don’t want to hear since they are corporate media for profit and simply feed red meat to a targeted audience.
Please see all the links at the bottom for updates on this huge, huge story.
Anyways, Republicans, and there is no easy way to say it, plan to rig presidential elections so democrats can never ever win. What happens in a country when the will of the people, is ignored and the will of a select group is imposed? It’s tyranny.
Here we are with all those shouts of “freedom and liberty” coming from the righteous right who claim, CLAIM, to be on the side of the constitution and a Republic, but pervert our elections with systemic rigging in a collage of voter suppression and gerrymandering and are now preparing to rig Presidential elections by gerrymandering the electoral college.
The system created by the Founders to elect our leaders by a majority will be tweaked and distorted by the the "freedom, liberty, constitution loving" Republicans, until what the Founders created is no more.
And where are the liberty, constitution loving Teapartiers? They are
so busy fighting over their overblown perceived threat to the second
amendment and Obama that they don’t know or they don't care.
Do Republican voters
and the freedom and liberty loving Teaparty want to win elections by winning
electoral votes for the next 50 years even if they lose the popular vote or do
they want to win fair and square? The
answer is NO. One of the reasons I left the party is because I know they don’t
care how they win. They don’t care if students, minorities or the elderly who typically vote Democrat vote or not, if their vote is
counted or not or if they vote at all. They don’t care whose rights are
trampled on as long as they win. Sooner or later those rights will be theirs.
They are just too stupid to know it.
Much like they supported indefinite detention for terrorists because their rights were our rights but they didn’t think so. Now we have Guantanamo and indefinite detention for everyone. I often wonder if the right will get their way with torture? Imagine torture coming to a booking center near you?
Republicans haven't won the popular vote in the past five elections. Rather then appease to the electorate they plan on stealing and cheating to get and stay in power and their base? their constitution freedom loving base? They don't give a rats ass. They will go along with it. A corrupt people will give us an even more corrupt government.
Much like they supported indefinite detention for terrorists because their rights were our rights but they didn’t think so. Now we have Guantanamo and indefinite detention for everyone. I often wonder if the right will get their way with torture? Imagine torture coming to a booking center near you?
Republicans haven't won the popular vote in the past five elections. Rather then appease to the electorate they plan on stealing and cheating to get and stay in power and their base? their constitution freedom loving base? They don't give a rats ass. They will go along with it. A corrupt people will give us an even more corrupt government.
Tyranny if it comes will come from the right wrapped in the flag, carrying a
Bible and a gun, while every other right is destroyed. It will come when your vote does not matter and
you can’t unseat tyrants. It will come with rigged elections. Aren't we already under siege in the House of Representatives with a minority holding hostage the rest of the country, if not the world, over the debt ceiling, threatening to steal even more of our Social Security and Medicare to pay for wars? ( U.S. Government Looting Social Security To Wage Wars
need to be careful what they wish for. If the religious, racist, extreme tyrannical right come to power by rigging elections over and over again they will wish
they had a shitload of automatic weapons to take down the Foxified
brainwashed traitors who support them, give a rats ass about the constitution, the right
to vote and freely elect one’s leaders.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
PS This new Teaparty often cries “Hitler” when speaking of
liberals. Well Hitler was a racist, he opposed immigration, outlawed abortion
and destroyed labor unions. Sound familiar? Does that sound “liberal” to you? And oh yes, he
EXPANDED gun laws. The right should be careful
with the media less they be brainwashed. Media does not have to be liberal to
make a fool of you. Just look at Fox News and the rest of the right infotainment media complex (David Frum: GOP Has "Been Fleeced, Exploited, And Lied To By A Conservative Entertainment Complex" )
Note: There was a time when the Teaparty was all about fiscal responsibility and small government. This new Teaparty is a collection of batshits that fear sharia law, President Blackenstein and want to impose their religious beliefs on the whole of the American people and there is a whole for profit or fame set of people feeding the frenzy. That's the Teaparty I am talking about. I miss the old Teaparty
Note: There was a time when the Teaparty was all about fiscal responsibility and small government. This new Teaparty is a collection of batshits that fear sharia law, President Blackenstein and want to impose their religious beliefs on the whole of the American people and there is a whole for profit or fame set of people feeding the frenzy. That's the Teaparty I am talking about. I miss the old Teaparty
01/26/2013- Three Strategies to Block the Gerrymandering of the Electoral College
01/25/2013- Jase Bolger, Michigan GOP House Speaker, Open To Changing State's Electoral College Allocation
01/24/2013- Fair Vote, Group Working To Reform Electoral College Condemns GOP’s ‘Indefensible’ Virginia Scheme
Pennsylvania House Republicans Introduce Bill To Rig The
2016 Presidential Election
Michigan GOP Considering Republican Plan To Rig The
Presidential Election
Electoral College Changes Eyed By Republicans In State
Legislatures Following Obama Win
2012 Red Map Summary Report
Republicans planning to change Electoral College rules to
rig future elections.
Fascism/Corporatism in the United States Today
West Point Study: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right
David Frum: GOP Has "Been Fleeced, Exploited, And Lied To By A Conservative Entertainment Complex"
U.S. Government Looting Social Security To Wage Wars
West Point Study: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right
David Frum: GOP Has "Been Fleeced, Exploited, And Lied To By A Conservative Entertainment Complex"
U.S. Government Looting Social Security To Wage Wars
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