Saturday, April 9, 2011

Let the “Compromise Show” Begin to Pass the “2012 Oligarchy Budget From the Whores in Congress”

Author: Jeanette Borges

Congress is going to put on a show worthy of the Academy Awards over the 2012 budget. We the people should get ready for the dog and pony show that the media and the corrupt politicians in Congress that serve the highest bidder, are going to put on just for us. Get ringside seats because they are going to go all out.
Welcome to the show and here is a preview:
In the first Act there will a budget that is going to be so extreme that the other side is going to have to oppose it. That budget will be demonized because it will kill Medicare, end programs like Head Start, education grants, meals for seniors and it is an attack on the middle class. It will be so “extreme” and of course it will be blamed on the Tea Party.
The budget will give huge tax cuts to the oligarchies and the uber rich that profit from their agendas. It will continue to cuts taxes for the wealthiest and for corporations.  Of course this will reduce revenues and if you don’t raise money you have to cut spending in a time when we have huge debt, but you are not supposed to know that. You are supposed to forget Math 101.
That “extreme” budget has already been revealed. It is the Republican proposal presented by Paul Ryan and it turns Medicare into a coupon program for anyone under 54. (See Medicare Loses Out to the Wars and Tax Cuts for the Oligarchy)
In the Second Act there will be the Democrats budget. At it will be demonized by the Republicans who give lip service to the imitation Tea Party that buys their corrupt bullshit, because that budget will not cut entitlements or spending enough. That budget will be a job killer because it does not give more tax breaks to multi billion dollar oligarchies and the uber rich. It will be the job killing, more spending by those evil liberals and the Black President who was not even born here, budget.
In the background there will be the props. The staging will be quite elaborate. While all the budge is “debated” for public consumption the oligarchy media will rage a propaganda campaign on the whole of the American people that will pale in comparison to the propaganda campaigns to sell the wars on terror against Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Libya and the whole of the Middle East. It will pale in comparison to the propaganda that is selling us all that tax cuts for the rich produce jobs.
We will be given both sides on this dire and urgent situation of the debt and the deficit that we, yes we, as in we the people, face. We will all be told that Medicare and other programs are causing the deficits and the debts and oh dear something has to been done. There will be so much talk, so many experts and pundits. There will be the likes of Anderson Cooper, Bill O’Reilly, Hannity and Rachel Maddow and the liberal media and the conservative media all educating and teaching us all that the debt and deficit is about big spending on entitlements and welfare spending on people; the people that should sacrifice because we are in big trouble. Yep, more propaganda to sell that the American people should share the sacrifice to get our country out of this horrid situation.  
The propaganda campaign will decide for us all where to focus our attention and the oligarchy media will tell us what the problem is. While we are all looking where they tell us to look they will conduct polls to see how effective their propaganda is.
Sadly most people will follow the bouncing ball on Fox or MSNBC and the print media and focus their attention on where they are told to focus their attention. None of them want us to focus on the truth. They will distract you from seeing that the debt and deficit is due to the wars and that we can’t afford them. Not one of them will tell you that the United States is an oligarchy and that the budget will favor the oligarchies. Not one of them will tell you that oil companies are getting billions in subsidies and that corporate welfare in this country surpasses what we spend on other services that are provided to the people.
Not one of them will tell you that in 2000 we had a budget surplus. That surplus existed while we had Medicare, food stamps and Planned Parenthood. That surplus existed with Social Security and with Medicaid. Oh shit. How that did happen if that’s all to blame for the debt and deficit now? How could we have had a surplus when all of these things existed then?
Not one of them will tell you that surplus disappeared and turned into debt and deficit with the wars and the trillion dollar gift horse that Bush and corrupt politicians from both parties, while Republicans were in power, gave to the drug companies with the Medicare Part D prescription drug program.
While no one is telling you this you will be scared into thinking that Medicare is going to disappear, after all Medicare is to blame The people of course will not want Medicare killed and the Democrats will be the defenders of the middle class and seniors.  Our heroes! They will come to the rescue! The budget will not pass unless there is a compromise.
And there will be one hell of a compromise. Republicans will compromise on Medicare and other programs if the Democrats compromise on the tax cuts, oil company subsidies and all the other provisions that the oligarchy want. Both parties will agree to keep funding the wars. That is something they both agree on and the media is not going to make an issue of this at all. We the people will rejoice at the compromise to save Medicare and other distractions. We will buy the “compromise show” hook, line and sinkers
The “Compromise Show” will end up with the budget that should be renamed the “2012 Oligarchy Budget from the Whores in Congress”. After the “Compromise Show” Congress will pass and the President will sign the “2012 Oligarchy Budget from the Whores in Congress”.  The whores in Congress, Democrats and Republicans will come to a compromise dictated by the pimps they serve.
The oligarchy will get exactly what they want with this phony “compromise show” tailor made to fool and pacify the American people. They will have funds for their wars, subsidies for their oil, tax cuts and oh, the defunding of the agencies in charge of stopping Wall Street from fixing the price of gas, food and betting with our money and the defunding of the EPA to make sure natural gas drilling can drill toxic chemicals into our water supply. (See Gasland on HBO).  Most importantly the oligarchy will continue to get us to pay for the wars they are profiting from while the fools that are the American people think it was all about saving Medicare.
The oligarchy will have the budget from heaven and the whores in Congress will give it to them by making the masses pay for it. We will get the budget from hell.
The whores in Congress live to take from us and give to them and they will do it by giving us the “Compromise Show”.
The American people are fools and get the government they deserve, but we are waking up. Many of us see right through the collusion between both parties and the President himself.  The oligarchy owned media will go on and on, make the false arguments and the politicians will all play their parts in the “Compromise Show” to pass the “2012 Oligarchy Budget from the Whores in Congress”.
In the end, in the Final Act, the oligarchy will demand and then order, yes, order, the whores in Congress on just what the compromise will be. After all they have paid their whores and now they want their blow job. They will tell Congress exactly what to say too. They give them the PR and the talking points for the “Compromise Show”.  Hell they give them laws to pass. The media, the propaganda tool of the oligarchy will back Congress up.
In the end politicians in Congress, regardless of party, will fall to their knees and give their pimps what they planned on giving them all along. They will give them their blow job and then they will make us pay for their services.
It won’t be a compromise at all. It is a planned “Compromise Show” with a defined goal and outcome.
I am not clairvoyant, but if what I am saying here now comes true, then I hope to persuade those that believe that we have a government of, for and by the people,  that we don’t.
Corrupt politicians and for sale journalists have transformed our government into an oligarchy, a plutocracy and a corporatocracy. Their actions are treasonous. We can no longer vote for either party, because they all serve the same pimps.
The Tea Party elected Tea-ocons, who have already kneeled to serve the highest bidder, voted to fund the wars and are throwing red meat at the religious, fanatical right that want to make their religions binding to the whole of the American people. That is not small government. The liberals elected Obama who is a raging corporatist and is not powerful enough to fight the oligarchy; no President is. Republicans have elected war hawks and call themselves “conservatives” when you cannot be conservative and wage eternal wars. It’s simple math. Wars cost money and grow government drastically. You cannot be a conservative and support going to war all over the planet. The media has got “conservatives” so brainwashed that they actually forgot the definition of “conservative”. By definition Republicans who typically favor these wars are not conservative! By definition!
In the end we know that our problem is not a Democrat/liberal problem, conservative/Republican or Tea Party problem. It is a corruption problem in a country with elected leaders, on their knees giving blow jobs to an oligarchy, a ruling class. The United State has become the Land of Kings; the land of corporate Kings who own what should be a free press.
As the curtain falls on the “Compromise Show” and the audience gets the “2012 Oligarchy Budget from the Whores in Congress” it will be a good time to reflect and think about what we have just seen and what we are witnessing.
We should stop giving lip service to the Constitution and read the Declaration of Independence.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
We should not be divided by politicians or the oligarchy media who seeks to divide and conquer us and has done a very good job.
We should decide then that we the people must unite and open camp in Washington in front of Congress and sleep, eat and live there in their faces so they will know what it is to defend themselves against a revolution that wants to remove a corrupt, tyrannical and despicable Congress and the oligarchies they serve.
We get the government we deserve. We have the problem and only we can fix it. No President, no politician and no political party is able to do this. They all want the same thing: to take from us an give to them; the pimps they serve. They do not have the power to fight the oligarchy who owns the media. We the people do. We have to unite regardless of party and remove the corrupt politicians of both parties that have betrayed the people.
“it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
We need to take back a government of, for and by the people because no one is going to hand it back to us without a huge fight. Could it be that the only place the American people are willing to fight or send their loved ones to fight for this country, is on foreign soil where the oligarchy send us? Are we just lambs for lions?
“It is your right, your duty to provide new guards for our future security”. It is your obligation to fight for a government of, for and by the people.
Pass it on!

Isn’t it time you refused to be divided, suckered and pillaged by political whores regardless of political party?  It is time and it is now. Our politicians regardless of party have taken us into a fourth war against Libya and you are going to pay for that while politicians point to Social Security and school lunches to control the deficit and the debt. Are you blinded into beleiving these distractions and pointless arguments? Just how blinded are we?
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of insignificant and powerless. I promise.
Only united will we be able to stop government waste, pillaging of our money and tyrannical laws.Oh! Don’t forget to pass it on.

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