Your attention consolidated against the Democrats, the Republicans, the Tea Party, etc? While you are looking there, we are being pillaged by corrupt politicians that serve the highest bidders. Isn’t it time you refused to be divided, suckered and pillaged by political whores regardless of political party who are for sale with the help of corrupt corporate media? It is time and it is now. Only an informed citizenry can take back their govn from those who can buy it
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Runenation - I am The Slime Oozin Out From Your TV Set
I am gross and perverted
I'm obsessed 'n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I'm delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin out
From your tv set
More lyrics:
I found that little poem which is set to song on this website about corporate media conglomeration and why the media should be seen for what it is: one big propaganda tool to keep the oligarchies in power. It's a must read
"Do you think that anyone in the mainstream news would actually tell you that the Federal Reserve is bad for America or that we are facing a horrific derivatives bubble that could destroy the entire world financial system? Do you think that anyone in the mainstream media would actually tell you the truth about the deindustrialization of America or the truth about the voracious greed of Goldman Sachs?
Sure there are a few courageous reporters in the mainstream media that manage to slip a few stories past their corporate bosses from time to time, but in general there is a very clear understanding that there are simply certain things that you just do not say in the mainstream news.
But Americans are becoming increasingly hungry for the truth, and they are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the dumbed down pablum that is passing as "hard hitting news" these days."
So what do you think about the state of the mainstream media? Please feel free to leave a comment with your opinion below....
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Question of the Oligarchy
I found this great article here: I especially love the picture. Do your homework and pass it on!

The Question of the Oligarchy, part one
The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines an oligarchy as: "government by the few... power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes"
Power used for corrupt and selfish purposes, you say? So it is fair to say that with an oligarchy one would expect an economy marred with crony capitalism. And you would also have politicians making promises on the campaign trail in the name of gaining populist support, but upon being elected those promises would be quickly forgotten. Edward Harrison from Credit Writedowns describes the politician's thought process thusly: "align yourself with voters on issues they care about while on the campaign trail, but once in office pay tribute to the special interests that benefit you personally".
Wikipedia has this to say about broken election promises: "almost all [political] parties continue to promise lower taxes, more social programs, and a balanced budget. For instance George W. Bush in the 2000 American presidential election promised all three and in the end abandoned balanced budgets. In the 2003 provincial election in Ontario, Canada, the Liberal Party also made all three promises and raised taxes once it found itself in government with an unbalanced budget."
That there exists an Oligarchy today is of course unspoken by the Mainstream Media. A natural conclusion might be that the 6 mega-corporations who control everything on TV form an essential part of the Oligarchy. But to understand how an Oligarchy maintains power you need only to look at the age-old strategy of "divide & conquer".
Th entire population has been divided by sex, race, social class, profession, and political affiliation. This prevents people from acting in unity and from rallying behind their actual common interest, which is restoration of democracy and the end to crony capitalism. People are indoctrinated into believing that political change is affected through voting for Republicans when Democrats are in power, and vice versa. As history has shown us, especially recent history, that just isn't the case.
Neither party has made a concerted effort to shrink the size of government or bring the national debt under control. Neither party has been inclined or able to stop the 'deindustrialization of America', the 'outsourcing' of manufacturing jobs that has been occurring for the last 30 years. Because big government, and big national debts benefit the Oligarchy. Because destroying the middle class benefits the Oligarchy. Because destroying the US dollar benefits the Oligarchy!
Read the rest of this at
Wikipedia has this to say about broken election promises: "almost all [political] parties continue to promise lower taxes, more social programs, and a balanced budget. For instance George W. Bush in the 2000 American presidential election promised all three and in the end abandoned balanced budgets. In the 2003 provincial election in Ontario, Canada, the Liberal Party also made all three promises and raised taxes once it found itself in government with an unbalanced budget."
That there exists an Oligarchy today is of course unspoken by the Mainstream Media. A natural conclusion might be that the 6 mega-corporations who control everything on TV form an essential part of the Oligarchy. But to understand how an Oligarchy maintains power you need only to look at the age-old strategy of "divide & conquer".
Th entire population has been divided by sex, race, social class, profession, and political affiliation. This prevents people from acting in unity and from rallying behind their actual common interest, which is restoration of democracy and the end to crony capitalism. People are indoctrinated into believing that political change is affected through voting for Republicans when Democrats are in power, and vice versa. As history has shown us, especially recent history, that just isn't the case.
Neither party has made a concerted effort to shrink the size of government or bring the national debt under control. Neither party has been inclined or able to stop the 'deindustrialization of America', the 'outsourcing' of manufacturing jobs that has been occurring for the last 30 years. Because big government, and big national debts benefit the Oligarchy. Because destroying the middle class benefits the Oligarchy. Because destroying the US dollar benefits the Oligarchy!
Read the rest of this at
Friday, March 25, 2011
Another War, Another Normal Week
Author: Jeanette Borges
Monday started a new week. I woke up and like every week day, as usual I called a cab and went to work. During the course of this day like every other I worked with about 20 other people. I saw delivery people, sales people and patients. I punched out and grabbed the bus to go home. Other people, coming or going, I don’t know, were on that bus.
I got off at my stop and went to the store before going home. People, people everywhere going about their usual routines.
I walked across the street and said hello to neighbors on the way to my apartment. Once home I threw the keys on the counter, turned on the AC and stripped off my uniform and with a sense of freedom at last, turned on the TV and watched news. At after Jon Stewart and Colbert I turned out the lights and in the dark tried to keep my brain still. Finally I sleep.
Today is Friday and after a week of pretty much the same ole, same ole, I got home and turned on the TV and found myself in a cloud of sadness and thoroughly perplexed.
Last weekend we went to war with Libya . During the week I heard no one, anywhere, speak of it. It’s like it wasn’t even happening. Another war and another week like any other. How is it possible to go to war and not even blink.
There are those who find justification for war simply because they are Republican and that is what some politician or media motor mouth tells them. Democrats may believe that war is acceptable because Obama is President. Have we all become brain dead and can't we reach an opinion independently of party loyalties and corporate media war propaganda? Regardless, shouldn’t we all agree that war is highly undesirable and we can’t afford them? You are paying for it. Why do you simply accept this?
George McGovern said “I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in”. What will it take for you to say to the same?
Dwight D. Eisenhower said “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed”. What will it take before you see the stupidity of spending on eternal wars?
We the sheeple.. we go where ever we are led no matter what it cost us. God help us. What have we become? Another war and another normal week.
Other famous quotes:
Martin Luther King-A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."
Benjamin Franklin-Never has there been a good war or a bad peace.
Ernest Hemingway-Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
Gandhi-What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?
Georges Clemenceau-War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men.
Albert Einstein-So long as there are men there will be wars.
Albert Einstein-I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Ronald Reagan -History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
War Spending: Who is Congress Serving?
Author: Jeanette Borges
Another normal day and another war? My God what does that mean? What does it say about us a people and as individuals? When you stop and think for one second don’t you think it’s simply wrong to have another normal day and another war? Don’t you question anything anymore? Is there no point at which you say hey, what the hell? enough? It is not normal and it cannot be moral that another war is another normal day.
That is the effect corporate media propaganda has on a people, on a Nation and on us as individuals. Another war and another normal day. That is what happens when you have corporations who control the media and profit with the wars. They provide the justifications and you simply go along with the flow and with their message and the Republican vs. Democrat bullshit.
Even if you believe all the “news” tailored to gain public opinion of yet another war deep down anyone with a half a brain must have doubts because there is something very wrong with waging so many wars. What is behind it all? Who benefits?
At what point do we ask what the hell is going on? A wise man said that “All I know is that I know nothing”. I too know, really know, nothing about this, but this much I know: we the people are paying once again for military action while we are being given lip service by politicians and Goebbelmedia about cutting Social Security, school lunches, the salaries of the evil teachers and police amongst other talking points.
Congress just approved the continued funding of 118 billion a year for the eternal war in Afghanistan and have not done anything to move to not spend on this newest war on Libya . All of this with a Republican, Tea Party, hate that spending, House.
Why? Why is this spending sacred? Why in the midst of all the debate about spending is this spending okay? Why won’t they cut this? They are bought off not to. Congress is serving someone and that someone wants these wars and we are being ripped off and pillaged to pay for them.
Remember always that corporate media serves the status quo. Their sole purpose is to preserve the present form of government. Their sole purpose is to preserve the oligarchies that own Congress and this President and the Presidents before him.
We the people are paying for all of it. All the wars, all the plundering and all the pillaging. No matter what you believe this much you have to agree with: Congress is taking from us to give to them whoever they are.
I urge you to seek alternative news sources out of the mainstream media. I urge you to dig on your own. There are other more logical explanations for these wars then what you hear on cable news and in the newspapers. They sure as hell make more sense.
Do your own homework.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Healthcare Reform: A Monumental Gift to the Health Insurance Oligarchy
Author: Jeanette Borges
If you want to run for Congress, you need money. A lot of money.
To win election, U.S. House members raised, on average, $1,900 per day, every day, for an entire two-year term—including weekends and holidays. That’s $1.4 million per House member, on average.
Winning senators raised $8.5 million, on average—$3,900 per day. (These figures are for the 2008 election, from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.)
The main source of this campaign money is interest groups that want something from government. Once elected, politicians often pay back their campaign contributors with special access and favorable laws. This common practice is contrary to the public interest, yet legal. It means we have whores that serve pimps, instead of elected leaders serving we the people. It means the United States is not a Republic. It is an oligarchy. It is heartbreaking and enraging.
Ever wonder why we got a healthcare reform that subsidizies price gouging insurance companies with a freaking mandate? Did you buy into all the death panel hype, the spending hype and the socialism hype that we were fed by politicians and corporate Goebbelmedia?
Between 2009 and 2010 Humana Inc, Wellpoint Inc, Aetna Inc, Medco Health Solutions, UnitedHealth Group, DaVita Inc, AMERIGROUP Corp, Fresenius Medical Care, Express Scripts and Centene Corp paid more then 20 million dollars to get a law that would take from us, we the people, to give to them and the whores they paid delivered in big way.
The public option, Medicare buy in or single payer options were never options. We were just fed a whole lot of theatre, Republican vs. Democrat bullshit, by both parties and corporate Goebbelmedia whose sole purpose is to preserve the present form of government, an oligarchy.
Charles E Schumer (D-NY), Harry Reid (D-NV), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR),Charles J Crist Jr (I-FL), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Robert F McDonnell (R-VA), Steny H Hoyer (D-MD), Henry A Waxman (D-CA), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Troy King (R-AL) were the main recipients of payoff by the health insurance oligarchy.
From 2007 thru 2008 Susan Collins (R-ME), Charles B Rangel (D-NY), Bill Richardson (D), Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), good ole Mitt Romney (R), (author of Romneycare, the original Obamacare), Max Baucus (D-MT), John McCain (R-AZ), Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Barack Obama (D) were the main recipients.
No party lines here. No division here. They are all on the same side because they are corrupted. They all serve the highest bidder and we the people are not the highest bidder. We can never compete with those amounts of money and in a Republic form of government we do not have to.
Both parties colluded to serve their pimps and that is how we got a mandate and a law that will pillage the taxpayers to pay for insurance policies that are of course sky rocketing. The higher they go the more this oligarchy will get from you and from me and they will do it because that is what the whores in Congress do: they take from us to give to them.
We the people need to unite in opposition of our common enemy: corruption. Hitler said that “The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention” Is your attention consolidated against a single adversary, the Democrats, the Republicans or the Tea Party? Isn't it time you listen and see beyond the adversaries that the motor mouths on Fox, CNN and MSNBC say you have when our enemy is really corruption?
Isn’t it time you refused to be divided, suckered and pillaged by whores regardless of political party? It is and it’s now.
*********************** connects money and votes. They bring together, in one website, the money given to politicians with each politician's votes.
They provide data, research services, and online tools that work together to make patterns of money and influence more transparent. Connections between campaign contributions, interest groups and votes that would have required days or weeks of manual research are now available at the click of a mouse.
They currently track money and votes for U.S. Congress, updating their site within 45 minutes of each Congressional vote. You can stay up-to-date on the whores in Congress by using this fabulous site.
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
So pass it on and remember we are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
No School Lunch But There Is Always Money for War
Author: Jeanette Borges
On March 17, 2011 Dennis Kucinich's resolution to safely remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan by the end of year failed 93-321. In the end, 8 Republicans and 85 Democrats voted to end the occupation. 222 Republicans and 99 Democrats voted for endless war.
Corrupt politicians that serve the military industrial complex claim we're so broke that we can't afford healthcare, public radio, education, school lunches, infrastructure repair or keep cops and firefighters on the job and then vote to keep spending $118 billion per year on our military presence in Afghanistan.
There is always money for wars. Cut everything that benefits the people and the country but keep spending on wars. Our Congress continues to take from us, the people, and give to them who directly benefit and profit with the laws they pass.
Wars grow government and grow spending exponentially. Republicans and the Tea Party in the House and the Senate that support spending on these wars say they are conservative. When will we the people learn and get it through our heads that this is not so. You can’t be a conservative and support this fiscal recklessness!
The Democrats who are often criized as evil liberals, but vote in favor for these wars are not liberals either.
Both these groups are corrupt whores that serve the military industrial complex pimps and other pimps, like Wall Street and the health insurance oligarchies. They all work together to serve them. They are not divided by political party.
When will we the people get that through our heads. Want to know if your representative is whore and voted to take from us to give to them? Click here. Want to know who is not a whore and voted against pillaging us further? Click here.
On this endless war spending, Democrat Dennis Kucinich and Republican Ron Paul (my hero who always votes against this outrageous spending) are great examples. They are not whores of the military industrial complex so the oppossing political party false argument is not a scapegoat for them. In a passionate speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on the day of the vote, Rep. Ron Paul mocked so-called "fiscal conservatives" who voted to cut funding to National Public Radio, but don't seem to mind continuing funding for the Afghan war. (More on Paul)
Hitler said “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think”. So let’s do that; let’s think.We the people are divided by corrupt politicians and corporate Goebbelmedia who provide the false argument of Republican vs. Democrats so that corrupt whores can work together behind the smokescreen and the distraction. Isn’t it time we all looked beyond the propaganda and political party loyalties? Isn’t it time we united against corruption that allows the oligarchs and plutocrats to take from us to profit themselves? Isn’t it time we united against all politicians regardless of party because of their actions and not their empty words? Isn’t it time these whores stopped talking about cutting school lunches here and NPR over there while they are vote to fund these trillion dollar wars? Isn't it time you saw through their distraction?
Hitler also said that “The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention” Is your attention consolidated against a single adversary, the Democrats, the Republicans or the Tea Party? Isn't it time you listen and see beyond the adversaries that the motor mouths on Fox, CNN and MSNBC say you have when our enemy is really corruption?
Isn’t it time you refused to be divided, suckered and pillaged by whores regardless of political party? It is and it’s now.
So pass it on and remember we are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich: Libya Airstrikes Unconstitutional – Only Congress Can Declare War
Author: Jeanette Borges
Yesterday, the U.N. Security Council voted to approve a no-fly zone using all means necessary extending over all of Libya to try to halt Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's mounting attacks against rebel positions. Translation? The United States while at war in Iraq , Afghanistan and an undeclared war in Pakistan is going into a fourth war with Libya .
Republican Representative Ron Paul and Democrat Representative Dennis Kucinich have been allies against the wars for some time now. (They would make the dream team in 2012 but only in my dreams.)
Today Kucinich said on MSNBC about Libya : “It's not up to the President, it's up to Congress”. The constitution indeed states that only Congress can declare war so enforcing a no fly zone is an unauthorized, unconstitutional act of war because it involves the bombing of Libya ’s air defenses. He stated that Congress should be called back to debate and vote on the issue. Then Kucinich went on to voice what anyone with a half a brain is saying: we can’t afford this!
On the other side of the political spectrum, the true spokesperson for the Taxed Enough Already Party, (before it was hijacked by Fox News and Neocons), Ron Paul, also stated on the floor of the Unites States House of Representatives that Libya air strikes would be unconstitutional because only Congress can declare war. He too is right. This is what he said:
“Mr. Speaker: I rise to introduce a resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that the President is required to obtain in advance specific statutory authorization for the use of United States Armed Forces in response to civil unrest in Libya . As many in the admin istration, Congress, and elsewhere clamor for the president to initiate military action to support those seeking to overthrow the Libyan regime, Congress sits by, as usual, pretending that Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution does not exist. According to this long-ignored section, ‘‘The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.”
This is black letter law, not some aspirational statement by our Founders. Their intent was indisputably clear: Congress alone, not the Executive Branch, has the authority and the obligation to declare war if hostilities are to be initiated against a foreign state that has not attacked the United States .
Let us be clear about one thing: for the US to take action to establish a “no fly” zone over all or part of Libya would constitute an act of war against Libya . For the US to establish any kind of military presence on the sovereign territory, waters, or over the airspace of Libya is to engage in a hostile action that requires Congressional authorization.
Whatever we may think about the Gaddafi regime, we must recognize that this is a coup d’etat in a foreign country. What moral right do we have to initiate military action against Libya ? Libya has not attacked the United States . Neither the coup leaders nor the regime pose an imminent threat to the United States and therefore, as much as we abhor violence and loss of life, this is simply none of our business.
I would remind my colleagues that we have been here before. In the 1990s we established “no fly” zones and all manner of sanctions against Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq in attempt to force him from power. When that did not work — at a high cost in Iraqi lives — the US ultimately went to war to achieve these ends. The costs of this war, I do not need to remind my colleagues, was much higher even, in US military lives, in Iraqi civilian lives, in our diminished moral standing in the world, in our economy. Yet none of us seem able to learn from an enormous mistake made only a few years ago. Once again a bad man is doing bad things thousands of miles away and once again irresponsible voices are demanding that the US “do something” about it. Will we ever learn? We continue to act as the policemen of the world at our own peril, and as we continue we only accelerate our economic collapse.
Let the supporters of yet another war in the Middle East come forth to make their case for a US attack against Libya . I will strongly oppose such a move, but it should be very clear that if a war against Libya is to be initiated it must be declared by the proper Constitutional authority: the US Congress”.
While it is indeed unconstitutional and the United Nations cannot declare war for the United States most upsetting is the question: Who is going to pay for this? Are they going to cut more school lunches, Social Security or education while giving taxes to the uber rich who profit from these wars, but do not want to pay for them?
One wonders where are all the voices of the opposition within the newly elected Tea Party politicians who are always talking about constitutional and limited government and fiscal responsibility. They mock us when they say they are conservative. War hawks are not conservatives because wars grow government and the debt. The newly elected, Tea Party backed, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio blasted Obama for not pouncing on Libya . He is nothing but a Republican war hawk already serving the military industrial complex pimps and is the farthest thing from a conservative. Then there are the old, gray, white sack of bones like McCain, Lieberman and Kerry who supposedly are on opposite political sides, but they are united in serving those same pimps.
This is proof positive, if you still need proof, that our elected leaders are not divided because they are corrupt beyond belief. They serve an oligarchy that is the military industrial complex and not the American people. They are paid by the highest bidder and we the people continue to be pillaged and continue to pay for their corruption.
They are united in their corruption, but we the people are divided. It is time we united against them and their corruption instead of letting them distract us with the Republican vs. Democrat arguments.
Pass it on. We the people are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
U.N. Security Council Approves No-Fly Zone & All Necessary Measures
Author: Jeanette Borges
The U.N. Security Council on Thursday voted to approve a no-fly zone extending over all of Libya to try to halt Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's mounting attacks against rebel positions. The resolution states that "all necessary means" can be used to enforce the no-fly zone. Flights to provide humanitarian aid, medicine or for evacuations are exempt. The vote was 10 for, none against and five abstentions.
Translation? The United States while at war in Iraq , Afghanistan and an undeclared war in Pakistan is going into a fourth war with Libya .
Even Fox News polls show that 64% oppose military intervention into Libya . Yet while Japan held our attention, we the people, are being sucked into spending more money in yet another war. While Congress plays cat and mouse with the budget and our debt, nothing is said by them or corporate media of how we are going to pay for this new military intervention in yet another Middle East country.
The military industrial complex oligarchy wins again and the onslaught of deceit, immorality, degradation, corruption, power grab, partisanship and greed on the American people by its elected leaders is without remorse or mercy of any kind. The American people are powerless as they observe appalled and their voices are silenced or distorted. To be exposed to the present day governance in these United States is to run a gauntlet of disbelief, disappointment, confusion, powerlessness and ultimately, utter and complete rage and disgust.
Pass it on. We the people are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Government for Sale – The Pimps and Their Whores
Author: Jeanette Borges
As our debt rises to 14 trillion dollars and the deficit only promises to increase that debt, I look on in disbelief at a Congress, regardless of party or who is in charge, incapable of resolving the out of control spending, or as I call it, the pillaging of the American people. What is it about these people that makes it so impossible for them to balance a budget and collect revenues needed to pay down our debt? What is it about these people that they cannot legislate for the well being of the people, that put this Nation and its people continuously at risk and enact laws that seemingly just make everything worse?
Is it rocket science that subsidies to companies like Exxon mobile who paid zero taxes last year are a gross give away in a time when we have to pay down our debt or that now is not the time to give tax breaks to the uber-rich in this country given the debt? Is it rocket science that Wall Street should not be able to “fix” the price of gas or food or that we cannot afford to go to war with Libya? Is it rocket science to know that if you subsidize health care policies, with a freaking mandate, no less, the prices of those policies would go through the roof?
I have a zillion of those same questions and a zillion times I have the same answer. No, it is not rocket science. None of it is if you are not corrupt. Congress has legalized bribery by enacting campaign finance laws that make buying and bribing a politician legal. Politicians work for the highest bidder. We the people cannot compete with the massive amounts of money corporations and the richest in this country give to politicians legally.
It occurs to me that our government is no longer one of elected politicians representing the people that voted for them, but instead serving pimps. They serve the highest bidder and that makes them whores. Our (as in we the people) problem, is not the Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals and now the Tea Party. Our problem is corruption. We have whores in Congress and whores can’t think beyond their own greed, arrogance and self serving preservation. No matter what your political party they are not going to deliver to you because you cannot pay them to do it! We all have one common enemy: corruption!
Regardless of party loyalty, when we the people stand united against the common enemy that is corruption and those that are buying our politicians and by default our government, we will take back our Republic and have a government that works for us, for all of us.
The onslaught of deceit, immorality, degradation, corruption, power grab, partisanship and greed on the American people by its elected leaders is without remorse or mercy of any kind. The American people are powerless as they observe appalled and their voices are silenced or distorted. To be exposed to the present day governance in these United States is to run a gauntlet of disbelief, disappointment, confusion, powerlessness and ultimately, utter and complete rage and disgust.
So pass it on and remember we are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
We Have to Defeat Corporate Media Propaganda and Censorship
Author: Jeanette Borges
Pass it on! Remember we are only as strong as our weakest link. We are only as strong as you.
As I listen to, read and observe the entire Republican vs. Democrat and Tea Party arguments being made on Fox News, MSNBC and every other media outlet while debating the debt, deficit, the economy and civil liberties, I wonder how we the people will ever get back a government of, for and by the people that has been sold and hijacked thanks to corporate media.
So many people still don’t know, because it is the job of corporate media that they don’t know, that any semblance of government of, for and by the people was hijacked and bought years ago and the United States is a failed democracy. It isn't a democracy when oligarchies can buy elected leaders who in turn govern and enact laws for them. But people are finally waking up to the cruel reality. And that’s when, every so often, an immense explosion of anger occurs amongst a normally docile public which takes everyone by surprise.
Hitler said “How fortunate for leaders that men do not think”. So let’s do that; let’s think. Consider the eternal wars that are bleeding taxpayer money and have made many rich. Consider the bailout of the banks (TARP). Consider the much needed health care reform that turned into subsidies taken from Medicare to give to the current private health insurance company monopoly with a law that has no competition, no anti-trust and a freaking mandate to boot. Consider how this law is sky-rocketing the prices of policies and that the law will eventually subsidize the price gouging with our money. Consider 40 billion dollars in subsidies to oil companies recently passed by the Tea Party House, while they and the media talk about cutting Social Security, Medicare, lunch programs and child care. Consider the media seeking public opinion, especially that of the Tea Party, against those evil teachers, police officers and firefighters and blaming spending and deficits squarely on them. Consider that while all of that is going on, we are in five wars and there are those that want to attack Iran , while we cannot afford eternal wars and the solvency of the United States is in shambles because of the wars.
These are just some examples that our government is a plutocracy where oligarchies and the disproportionate influence the uber-rich have on the political process has replaced any semblance of a Republic form of government of, for and by the people. Consider that oligarchies own the media and it is their job to preserve their system of government. Consider that the media is part of a corporatocracy, where corporations and conglomerates control the direction and governance of a country at the expense of the masses. Consider that if its profit, oligarchies don’t care how they make it even if means pillaging the American people and sending them to die in wars for profits. Consider that these oligarchs want global reach and their obsession and greed knows no limits.
The people cannot vote unless unfettered information is available to them. Only an informed citizenry can vote. The First Amendment protects free speech to protect the people’s need for uncensored, unbiased and truthful news. Speech is protected to have a free press. The purpose of a free press is not to babble and spin news to pursue an agenda or political party. No! No! No! The purpose of a free press is the people’s right to know. The purpose is to have an informed citizenry. Only an informed citizenry can elect its leaders and protect itself against government control, tyranny and a ruling class.
Hitler had a powerful propaganda machine and without it, his wars and the crimes against Jews by a brainwashed citizenry would have never been possible. He knew he needed to control the message and it was genius. He said: “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise”.
Does anyone think that war is good? Really? Well to hear what some polls say, it would appear that many are convinced that war is indeed good and very, very necessary. Many Republicans especially believe this. The wars, they say, make us safe from all those evil Muslims and keep us free! Yes war is good! Its freedom and liberty we are fighting for! Can you name one freedom we had on 9/10 that we did not have on 9/11? Democrats are no different as long as their candidate is in power. Media is very powerful indeed.
The wars have and continue to milk us dry, It is a wretched way to live under such debt. While everyone is talking about cutting Social Security and other programs, no one is talking about cutting off the funding for the five wars we are in and are actually talking about attacking Iran . Some believe that war is good and very necessary. You see corporate media propaganda can make hell seem like heaven and extremely wretched life as paradise, just like Hitler said it could. We have full blown propaganda instead of news with the purpose to manipulate public opinion to the extent that we would send our children to fight and die in wars for profit. The propaganda pales in comparison to Germany ’s Joseph Goebbels propaganda, because it is done under the cover of a “free press”. The masses don’t even know its propaganda because they think it cannot exist in the United States .
While the government cannot censor the press, they have enacted laws that have put its ownership in the hands of 5 persons, count them, 5, that can and do censor and filter speech. They have used it to the extent that we have been sold, like a pair Nikes, an invasion of Iraq and all the other wars. Iran is next if oil companies’ goals and America ’s interests in the Caspian Sea are to be achieved. Nope, they are not done yet. The terror scares, the Muslim “problem” and the threats to Israel, who has nukes that have never been inspected, is propaganda that will propel us into bankruptcy and maybe World War III if the corporate whores in Congress and our President give in to the media propaganda and attack Iran.
Hitler also said that “The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention” Corporate media does just that. Everything we hear is about political parties: Republican vs. Democrats. The newest efforts to pit us against each other by blaming the spending on entitlements and union employees distracts from the fact that wars, Wall Street and health insurance companies are responsible for the fiscal mess we are in. Anyone that votes out of party loyalty or thinks that simply getting their party in power things will be better, is a victim of propaganda, sorely mistaken and has got to wake up. There is no difference between Democrats and Republican politicians. Independents already know this. People that are disgusted with Congress know this. It is time we banded together regardless of ideology, to overcome the corruption and greed of those that have bought and control our government. It is time we overcome the corrupt politicians that are part of this collusion. We can only do that by dismissing the propaganda we see everyday that passes for news, by corporate media. We can only do that by dismissing the rhetoric and demanding real news or getting it ourselves. We are being pitted against each other and divided we are falling fast.
Remember that corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant. “The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force” Hitler said. Did he mean people like you? Are you easily swayed by what you see and hear through the media about Republicans vs. Democrats? Are you a casualty of rhetoric and what are you going to do about it?
Unless you own a television station or a newspaper there is no way to keep the citizenry informed is there? Not true! I think there is. We have to circumvent the media. We, you and I, will inform ourselves and inform others.
Just pass it on! Create a chain and become a link in that chain. If you ever felt powerless, and we all feel that; if you ever felt that it was useless to fight back and that there is nothing you can possibly do, then now you have a way. Simply pass it on.
Corporate media propaganda dumbs us down. Nothing, absolutely nothing, scares government more then an informed citizenry and masses on the street. But the masses will only be feared if they can band together because they are informed and they act on their knowledge.
There is finally a way. Become a link to others and make sure they link on. Bond with the persons with whom you are sharing and sending information to. If you ever wanted to do something, now is your time. Do your homework and then pass it on as if your life, your home, your money, your liberties and your country depended on it. Take it seriously and make it a priority. Only then can we the people, millions of Americans, stop this insanity and the culture of greed and corruption that has stripped us of a government of, for and by the people.
Insurance Company Bailout
Healthcare Reform or Insurance Giveaway?
Ann Coulter My Healthcare Plan
Joseph Goebbels quotes
Hitler quotes
Joseph Goebbel’s Propoganda Principles
Joseph Goebbels
Budget Deficit Is $1.3 Trillion, but War in Iraq Has Cost More than $3 Trillion
House Democrats Target $40 Billion in ‘Big Oil’ Breaks
Big Oil: Obscene profits with subsidies on top
Corporate giveaway in the name of reform
Romneycare Sure Looks Like Obamacare
Wall Street Bubble Game-Libya, the Price of Gas
Insurance Company Bailout
Healthcare Reform or Insurance Giveaway?
Ann Coulter My Healthcare Plan
Joseph Goebbels quotes
Hitler quotes
Joseph Goebbel’s Propoganda Principles
Joseph Goebbels
Budget Deficit Is $1.3 Trillion, but War in Iraq Has Cost More than $3 Trillion
House Democrats Target $40 Billion in ‘Big Oil’ Breaks
Big Oil: Obscene profits with subsidies on top
Corporate giveaway in the name of reform
Romneycare Sure Looks Like Obamacare
Wall Street Bubble Game-Libya, the Price of Gas
Corporate media uses an invalid argument of “attacking the messenger” amongst others, (Logical Fallacies) to dismiss a valid argument. The source of information whether liberal or conservative, is not relevant as long as it accurate. Know what constitutes a valid argument and resist corporate Goebbelmedia propaganda. See An Encyclopedia of Errors of Reasoning (Logical Fallacies)
Check out the blog. Do your own homework and check out the supporting research links and then get busy. Circumvent corporate media propaganda and spin by starting your own network of news to others. I don't care how. I don't care if you use us as your source and I don't care if you copy. Check out the chain mail page for ideas. Pass it on! Be a link in a chain of real news. Be a part of it. It will make you feel alive and powerful, instead of powerless. I promise.
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