Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Question of the Oligarchy

I found this great article here:  http://psychonews.site90.net/oligarchy.html  I especially love the picture. Do your homework and pass it on!

Divide & Conquer

The Question of the Oligarchy, part one

The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines an oligarchy as: "government by the few... power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes"

Power used for corrupt and selfish purposes, you say?   So it is fair to say that with an oligarchy one would expect an economy marred with crony capitalism.  And you would also have politicians making promises on the campaign trail in the name of gaining populist support, but upon being elected those promises would be quickly forgotten.  Edward Harrison from Credit Writedowns describes the politician's thought process thusly:  "align yourself with voters on issues they care about while on the campaign trail, but once in office pay tribute to the special interests that benefit you personally".  

Wikipedia has this to say about broken election promises: "almost all [political] parties continue to promise lower taxes, more social programs, and a balanced budget. For instance George W. Bush in the 2000 American presidential election promised all three and in the end abandoned balanced budgets. In the 2003 provincial election in Ontario, Canada, the Liberal Party also made all three promises and raised taxes once it found itself in government with an unbalanced budget."

That there exists an Oligarchy today is of course unspoken by the Mainstream Media.  A natural conclusion might be that the 6 mega-corporations who control everything on TV form an essential part of the Oligarchy.   But to understand how an Oligarchy maintains power you need only to look at the age-old strategy of "divide & conquer". 

Th entire population has been divided by sex, race, social class, profession, and political affiliation.  This prevents people from acting in unity and from rallying behind their actual common interest, which is restoration of democracy and the end to crony capitalism.  People are indoctrinated into believing that political change is affected through voting for Republicans when Democrats are in power, and vice versa.  As history has shown us, especially recent history, that just isn't the case. 

Neither party has made a concerted effort to shrink the size of government or bring the national debt under control.  Neither party has been inclined or able to stop the 'deindustrialization of America',  the 'outsourcing' of manufacturing jobs that has been occurring for the last 30 years.  Because big government, and big national debts benefit the Oligarchy.  Because destroying the middle class benefits the Oligarchy.  Because destroying the US dollar benefits the Oligarchy!

Read the rest of this at http://psychonews.site90.net/oligarchy.html

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