Saturday, June 25, 2011

Weiner’s Weiner:The Media’s and Congress’ Laughable, Piss Poor Failed Attempt


June 18, 2011

Open Letter to Boehner, Reid, Pelosi and McConnel Re Weiner’s Weiner
Copy to Major Media Owners and 200 Journalists

The Media’s and Congress’ Laughable, Piss Poor Failed Attempt

Your efforts and the efforts of the media to use Congressman Weiner as an opportunity to demonstrate that Congress does not tolerate corruption or unethical behavior and that we have a robust free press that holds government accountable, did not work.  Corporate media and those they employ don’t have the courage, ethics or diligence to challenge the corrupt, criminals in Congress who feed at the trough of sleazy legalized bribery. Therefore their pretense at being hard-core adversarial journalists over Weiner’s weiner, was laughable. They could not help the Academy Award winning performances of outrage and indignation that were acted out by the members in the criminal, treasonous enterprise that is the United States Congress. Instead people everywhere called the media out for their circus and empty outrage because those corrupt, cowardly or lazy journalists in the media conspire with your criminal, treasonous enterprise with their endless Republican vs Democrat bullshit “news”. Corruption is not even in their vocabulary.  
While his actions were morally wrong, the only person wronged by Weiner’s actions is his wife. The rest of us? The American people? Even if he was fucking farm animals it would not have the effect on the American people that your legalized bribery is having. We want to know when the media is going hold you to account for the wrongs you have put upon the American people? When are you and the criminals you preside over going to pay for those wrongs? Sexting has not doubled the insurance policies sold to us all.  Another gay Republican trying to get off in a bathroom is not the reason why Ryancare and Obamacare will subsidize, (pillage) the American people to give to the insurance companies. Another tax cheat is not the reason why we are paying price gouging prices at the gas pumps. Another man, Senator or not, fucking prostitutes is not the reason we have trillions in debt and dead Americans due to eternal wars. A corrupt Congress that has legalized bribery and corporate corrupt propaganda media is responsible for all of it., but they can’t help you anymore.
Why does a picture of Weiner’s weiner warrant the indignation of the media and Congress, when a video and pictures of Boehner’s blatant corruption handing out bribes on the floor of the House, gets him to be Speaker of the House? Why haven’t McKeon and the Lucky Thirteen who solicited legalized bribes from defense contractors days before debating the defense budget not forced out? This story is all over the Internet. With trillions in debt and wars supposedly winding down how is it possible the House passed a budget that increases defense spending? Why haven’t spineless, worthless journalists or you called for their resignation?  Why haven’t those same journalists or you called for the resignation of the criminals from both parties that took legalized bribes to take our money from Medicare to subsidize price gouging health insurance policies courtesy of Obamacare? Policies have doubled since that corrupt law passed. You really don’t think we bought the whole Republican vs. Democrat crap? Obamacare is not a Democrat law, it is a bipartisan corrupt law that the industry put into your hands and then paid all of you, Republicans and Democrats, to pass,  while putting on a show for the American people who were about to get royally screwed.  The Democrats wanted a public option that would have provided competition. The Republicans opposed it and so there had to be a compromise. That compromise show ended up in gift horse to the healthcare industry and it is wreaking havoc on the budgets of individuals, employers and State budgets that provide health insurance to State employees.  
Your compromises are Academy Award winning performances to hide the reality: in the end you all are going to pass a law that serves the highest bidders. So how are you going to fuck the American people, (oops I mean compromise), over Ryancare and Social Security? The PR has begun with the whole “Medicare is unsustainable” and “we have trillion dollar debt because of entitlements that we have to do something about”.  (No mention there of eternal wars.) What else are your donors, the oligarchs you serve telling you and corporate media to say?  What is the PR going to be in order to justify the criminal pillaging of Medicare and Social Security too and fuck the American people again? We are holding our breaths just waiting to see what you have in store for us with the help of corporate, corrupt media.  
Eternal wars for the profits of  your donors, a ruling class that pillages an entire people, even if it means bringing home dead Americans, is how far corrupt criminals in Congress and in the media have gone while they have the gall to speak of “honoring our troops”. Therefore, we have no false expectations, no hope as to what you and the spineless, self serving journalists will do to pillage Medicare, Social Security, wage more wars, steal from us for the corporate welfare to the parasitical military industrial complex, gas companies, Wall Street, health insurance companies and more tax cuts for those that legally bribe you, a ruling class, the pimps you serve. You don’t really think that we don’t see through the whole tax cuts and jobs bullshit? It’s the corruption stupid!  For the media and you to dangle the promise of job growth in front of a people suffering terribly due to massive unemployment, to justify  more corrupt tax cuts, is despicable and inexcusable. The journalists and you have no scruples, no conscience and no fucking heart!)
What is really outrageous is when the media and deceitful politicians speak of  the redistribution of wealth.  The masses know that a treasonous criminal syndicate helped by corporate media lives to redistribute the wealth every single day. That is all you do. You take from us to give to your donors and an oligarchy that is sucking the people dry. Only heartless, unscrupulous people would have the gall to even breach the subject. Only a controlled, filtered, propaganda press could do such a thing. The American people are caught between the slime in Congress and the slime in the media. You can enjoy the boot you all have allowed your donors to put on our necks NOW. But one fine day you and the media will pay for it all. You have no idea what you and the media are provoking. The mood in this country is dangerous.
I have heard people calling Congress “Cockgress” because your members are serving pimps and sucking corporate you know what, of those from whom your members get legalized bribes. Back when Obamacare was being debated I was sent an image of McConnel on all fours with the CEO of Wellpoint taking him from behind while Pelosi was waiting her turn! It was disgusting. The media is fairing no better. Hannity is in an image sucking off a man with a hat that says Lockhead Martin. Immelt and Murdoch are in anther one just as graphic doing the same with the military industrial complex and Wall Street. There are other examples. It worries me to no end the rage and disgust I hear and see from everyday normal people that are really pissed off. Doesn’t it worry you that you have pushed too far?
Getting rid of Wiener did not work. Getting rid of Vitter won’t work either and circus media should stop their pretense and false outrage to further their Republican vs. Democrat dribble. If you or the media who conspire with your criminal syndicate, want to convince the American people that the United States Congress is anything other then a tool to steal from us to give to your donors and that you are not corrupt criminals, then pass a law for public finance of elections and free advertising a month before elections. Your corruption is responsible for trillions in debt and the deficits. You legalized corruption and treason. You can make both crimes again. Republicans and those in the media like Fox News who speak of taking back the government and freedom, freedom, freedom and who control the House right now, should prove it. You can give us back our government right now if you wanted to. Pass a law to take the money out of politics. Give us back a government of, for and by the people before the people have to rise up and take it.
In the end Congress is a criminal enterprise that runs on legalized bribes. Both Democrats and Republicans compete to see who can out serve your donors that pay you all to take from us to give to them. That means that politicians from both parties compete to see, quite literally, who can fuck the American people the most and take the most  to give to their highest bidders. Everyday Americans hold their breath waiting for the next blow and the next crime against us. It is stunning. It is cause for a second revolution.
The most devastating thing of all is that corrupt corporate media and its journalists will pave the way for you. They will make it easier for you to continue to pick the meat off the bones of the America people for the highest bidders you all serve, until there is nothing left to take.  Under the nose of a treasonous, cowardly, AWOL Fourth Estate, on their watch and yours,  the United States is no longer a government of, for and by the people. It is the Land of the Highest Bidder (1) and the American people are suffering terribly under their rule.

Hoping you pass law to take the money out of politics and elections and give us back our country or crawl back under the rock you must have come out of,

Jeanette Borges
Email me for phone and address

Cc: Criminals in the United States Senate and House;  Ethical Members of the United States House and Senate

cc: Jeffrey Immelt Chairman and CEO General Electric, John E. Pepper, Jr. Chairman and CEO The Walt Disney Company, Robert A. "Bob" Igor CEO ABC,  Rupert Murdoch Chairman and CEO News Corporation, Roger Ails President Fox News Channel, Sumner M. Redstone Chairman of the Board Viacom & CBS, Glenn A. Britt Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Time Warner Cable, JEFFREY L. BEWKES Chairman of the Board and CEO, Time Warner Inc, Philip Kent Chairman and CEO CNN, Craig A. Duo Chairman President and CEO Gannett Co., Inc., Eddy Hartenstein CEO & President The Tribune Company, Nils Larsen Chief Chairman Tribune Broadcasting, Tony Hunter as President, Publisher and CEO Chicago Tribune Company,  Frank A. Bennack, Jr.CEO Hearst Corporation, George R. Hearst, Jr. Chairman of the Board Hearst Corporation, Donald E. Graham, CEO Washington Post Company, Katherine Weymouth  CEO Washington Post Media, Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr. Chairman New York Times Company, Michael Golden Vice Chairman New York Times Company, Janet L. Robinson President and CEO New York Times Company, Media News Group: Richard Scudder Chairman, William Dean Singleton, Vice chair & CEO, Jody Lodovic, President, Steven Rossi, COO, The McClatchy Company - Gary B. Pruitt  President and CEO,  James mcclatchy Owner, H. Belo Corporation, Robert W. Decherd (Chairman, President and CEO), David Thompson/Publisher C/O The Daily Oklahoman, John Barron Senior Vice President--Sun-Times Media Group, Jeremy L. Halbreich Chairman and CEO Sun-Times Media Group, Patrick Purcell Herald Media Inc.,

(1)oligarchy –look up the definition and then do something about this!

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