Dylan Ratigan: The Potential for a Working Fourth Estate and Truth About Politicians
This whole blog is about corrupt media that colludes with an even more corrupt government. Instead of a working Fourth Estate we have corrupt journalists, media motor mouths and paid pundits that serve the huge, powerful, corporate oligarchs that have bought all of our politicians from both parties, with few exceptions.
Many people choose their “news” channel based on their political affiliations. They choose the channel that will reinforce their own beliefs. Knowledge and being an informed citizen takes second place. They don’t question what they are seeing or hearing because they just want their own views to be reinforced. As a consequence, the population in these United States is the most polarized and misinformed in the world. It is also the least likely to rise up and fight for their county in their country.
There are actually people that still believe that electing the “other” party is the cure for all that ails this country or that Obama is to blame for the mess this country is in. They actually believe that a Republican President will fix it all.
The endless false left v right arguments have lulled the masses into distraction. The American people are divided and conquered by corrupt politicians and even more corrupt media. They are too busy looking to the left or the right to see the truth. Our government, our politicians, regardless of party is corrupt beyond belief. It serves the highest bidders and has legalized bribery.
A government that is run on bribery and paid by parasitical war profiteers, Wall Street, pharma, oil and gas companies, health insurance monopolies, (you get the picture) is no longer a government of, for and by the people. My government, your government has been subverted, from within, especially by the military industrial complex. By definition, not crazy conspiracy theory, the United States is not a democracy. It is the Land of Corporate Kings and our government is for sale.
That is something you will not here on Fox or MSNBC or read in the New York Times, the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal or anywhere in our major media outlets. Our government has been subverted and yet none of these people in the media outlets will ever run a front page headline: “The United States Government Subverted From Within”, “The United States No Longer a Democracy” or “The United States Ruled by Oligarchs” or something else like that.
The whole purpose of this blog and my mission in life is to slam media war propaganda outlets for what they have done. On their watch our government is no longer ours, so it’s huge for me to come out and actually recommend someone that works in this monstrous, treasonous, corrupt media machine.
No matter what party you belong to and what “news” channel you prefer to be brainwashed by, you must start watching Dylan Ratigan, the host of MSNBC's The Dylan Ratigan Show that airs at 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. On his show, Mr. Ratigan appears to tackle the world of politics, money, and the unholy alliance between big business and government. It is closest thing to real news in the main stream media.
It is not by accident that his show is not on prime time. He reaches fewer viewers and that is just fine with corporate media corrupt owners who collude with those that have subverted our government. I have tweeted and called MSNBC to encourage he take over the or slots or any slots on prime time for that matter.
While it is a start, Mr.Ratigan does little good with his rants because he generalizes. His message is that government is corrupt and politicians are for sale. That’s it. He does not tie specific donations, from specific entities and their lobbyists with actions in Congress.
For example: “Because when you realize that the banking system is fully corrupt and defrauding us…”. He goes on to say quite passionately that politicians are all bought. Possibly because he skewers Dems and Republicans alike, that impassioned rant earlier this week about the economy went viral on the web shortly after the clip aired on his show.
It is true: all politicians are bought, but he is never specific. When a specific law comes up in Congress he does not expose why one politician says this or that or votes this way or that way. He does not expose specific donations with dates and amounts. He does not ask "Senator you got donations from so and so, what did the lobbyists ask for in return"? He just speaks of the power of money that buys votes and that is it.
When referring to the eternal wars he will speak of the military industrial complex and no one has Ron Paul, a staunch opponent of that corruption, as a guest on their show as much as Mr. Ratigan does.
Yet Mr. Ratigan doesn’t say this company gave this amount of money to this politician on this date and now this politician is voting to increase the defense budget over last year.
It would be easy enough. All he has to do is partner with known organizations that have websites that publish all this information. These people would more then happy to be on his show and provide that information. Besides government websites that disclose campaign finance, there are organizations like Open Secrets (campaign contributions) and the Sunlight Foundation just to name a few.
Generalizations are just a tease and do nothing to expose and hold these corrupt politicians accountable.
There is also news that just does not get the attention of the mainstream media, but can be found on the Internet. Here is a specific instance of corruption although it’s not illegal. The newly elected Tea Party candidates on the House Armed Services Committee, headed by Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.), in charge of allocating billions in the defense budget, held a fundraiser days before deciding on that budget. They sent out invitations to defense contractors and then proceeded to ask for money. While this is called fund raising and is legal, you and I know and so does the media that they were soliciting legalized bribes and the defense contractors gave money because days later these corrupt whores were going to take our money to give it to those defense contractors. These politicians dubbed the “Lucky 13”, were able to increase defense spending over last year, while the conversation of the debt and deficit is all the rage! Rachel Maddow has done more to expose the pork these people passed in this budget then Mr. Ratigan did. Allen West a representative from my home state, Florida , was one of these politicians and he is rewarded with air time on “Fox New” to spew war propaganda and war with Iran and justify defense spending. It is an endless circle of quid pro quo.
I never saw the Lucky 13 on Dylan Ratigan’s show. I never see specific instances of money tied to votes. I never see him asking any of his guests “you took this money from this corporation on this date…What did they ask you in return?” I have never seen him or anyone else do that on the news. Have you?
His show is a start but he must get serious and stop the appearance of exposing corruption. He is not exposing anything. He is simply stating that government is corrupt.
Still I implore and urge everyone, but especially the Fox, CNN , Chris Matthews , Lawrence O’Donnell, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow viewers to tune into Dylan Ratigan’s show. The more you watch the more you will come to realize that all that other programming and the motor mouths on them, are nothing but propaganda that is meant to polarize us and distract us from the truth about our government. It is nothing more then corrupt media people telling you to look to the right or to the left so that you don’t see that our government is no longer ours.
While you are looking to the right and the left what are you doing to take back your government from a ruling class, the highest bidders that have subverted your own government and pillaging your money? Blaming the other party? What a great excuse and cowardly copout for doing nothing to fight to take this country back. The do nothing populace that cowardly hides behind political parties. How patriotic!
The very least you can do to abandon the political division that has rendered Americans useless to take back their country is to watch one hour of news that has nothing to do with political parties. Change the channel for an hour. With all his deficiencies, Dylan Ratigan is on the right track.
PS Unite. Join the @USDayofRage against corruption that has subverted our government, in your State http://usdayofrage.org/help-us-organize-or-participate.html
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