Below is an email I got from the Everett Wilkinson Chairman of the South Florida Tea Party It said this among other things “And Now DEBBIE Cowardly Attacks and Insults Patriot & Combat Veteran Congressman Allen West ---Debbie has gone WILD!” I wrote him back I was so taken aback. Below the email is that letter. I fight endlessly at the spread of misinformation and propaganda as I think all of us should I want to support those that do not have to lie to me to get that support. It is wrong to exploit the dissatisfaction we all have with government with lies to garnish support for this side or that side. It is just wrong.
I do not know how to post pictures and stuff on the thing but I did the best I could and you can find his email here:
I really hope it helps those that do not appreciate being exploited by anyone in any party, on any televisions station, any newspaper or anyone with access to a platform in any type of media with a captive audience.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tea Party Action Alert [] On Behalf Of Tea Party Action Alert
Sent:Thursday, July 21, 2011
Subject: Send A FREE FAX to Congresswoman "Debbie Gone Wild" Wasserman-Shultz
From: Tea Party Action Alert [] On Behalf Of Tea Party Action Alert
Subject: Send A FREE FAX to Congresswoman "Debbie Gone Wild" Wasserman-Shultz

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Complaint Against the South Florida Tea Party:
Who Can Anyone Trust for Truth?
I support some of the positions the original Tea Party that started under Bush, but I don’t need to lie to make the case for it. I respectfully request that you rescind and amend the allegations in this email immediately. Ms. Wasserman was on the floor of the House and I saw what she said on CSPAN.
Watch that and tell me just how crazy Ms. Wasserman went. “Allen West and Debbie Wasserman Shultz fight over the GOP's "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill. #Colbert
Where I do not like that Ms. Wasserman caved to the insurance lobby to pass corrupt Republican Romney care and take billions from Medicare and give it to private insurance companies, Mr. West is even more corrupt.
He supported an increase in the defense budget over last year and I filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee over this. He is the furthest thing from a “patriot” because he and those like him have transformed our government into an oligarchy and steal our money to give to the highest bidders like the vast majority of politicians from both sides. You defend him and the thievery that is pillaging our Nation. Google the Lucky 13 and McKeon. I wrote to you about this so you could share it and pass it on, since I am on your email list you did nothing! You share the pork Democrats spend on but say nothing of the military pork both parties are stealing from Medicare to pay for! Have you no conscience?
I don’t believe in “my party right or wrong” and our country needs courageous citizens to fight against an oligarchy that has taken our government from within instead of sitting down and comfortably slinging crap at the other side. I am appalled that you would abuse the trust placed in you.
Our problems are not easy ones, but you have to start with truth. The truth is corruption by politicians in both parties. I question your leadership and I resent being lied to by corrupt “journalists”, corrupt Democrats, corrupt Republicans or corrupt leaders of any organization which is what you appear to be. People should be able to make informed decisions based on knowledge, not propaganda.
You would do well to share with your followers the views of Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich when it comes to these eternal wars and the redistribution of our wealth because of them. Ethical politicians know no party divide and you may not agree with them on everything, but those are the politicians regardless of party one should support and find what they have in common.I guess you would have to be an informed citizen in order to do something like that.
Stealing from us to give to the highest bidders is what you should fight against. Instead you use your platform to help them. Mr. West’s is someone we all should fight against, not for, because of his thievery and corruption and Ms. Wasserman, although more likeable, can’t throw rocks when she lives in the glass House of Whores also know as the House of Representatives along with the bigger whorehouse know as the Senate.
Those of us, like me, like most of us, that listen to these “sides” to find answers and then favor them because of what they say, only to find out that they are lying to me, to all of us are abusing and exploiting us all. I want truth. We all do. I can’t stand this partisan crap behind which corrupt politicians hide. It is nothing more then a ploy to direct our attention elsewhere, instead of at their corrupt, criminal actions.
By the way, what you call Obamacare is Romneycare on steroids and the most bipartisan, corrupt piece of legislation ever “compromised” on. While Congress, both parties, prepare to compromise to STEAL my social security and yours to pay for wars, you do nothing. The American people get the government they deserve and they are going to get it good because they are on all fours barking at each other over political parties and politicians, with very few exceptions, that give a rats ass about the people once they are voted in.
You can follow me on Twitter where I am going to put this email in about an hour.
Most sincerely
PS Supporting documentation so you can share with your followers whom you seek to exploit:
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