Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have a theory and it is only a theory. I have a sneaking suspicion that this whole debt ceiling debate in our unbelievably corrupt Congress fueled by an even more corrupt media is a deliberate manipulation of the stock market by Wall Street oligarchs.
Corporate media tells us that Wall Street says it wants the debt ceiling to be raised, because they don’t want the market to tank, but Wall Street and those hedging bets over this debate like Eric Cantor are poised to make a killing by playing the predictable market’s reaction to this debt ceiling drama. (Congress has legalized insider trading and he is above prosecution for doing this and I am sure he is not the only one).
As stock prices fall and fall those that have hedged bets will make money. I don’t know much about the stock market but those that do are going to gain with this debt ceiling drama. That much I know.
Remember the crash in 2007 right before the bailouts? The tanking of the economy that hurt the vast majority of the American people made the rich even richer. How? They bought huge chunks of stock at very low prices. Eventually the prices rose again and they have made billions on that crash.
Then there are the interest rates that are going to go up. Banks will make a killing on that too won’t they?  Hmm. So why would they oppose any of this? If my theory is right and they don’t really oppose any of this, then we the people are about to get royally screwed AGAIN.
On a different but related front, neither bill from either party raises revenue. While the defense budget was increased over last year and funding for eternal wars was approved by Congress, including the Teocons, no taxes for the oil companies and the military industrial complex and the war profiteers. Hmm. The 2% of the population that Congress serves is going to get 98% of us to pay for the wars that the 2% are profiting with. Don’t you just love our ruling class controlled government?
Nope. I don’t think Congress is broken at all and I don’t think they are polarized. I think they are doing exactly what the 2% in this country want them to do, while the American people look on trying to get their jaws off the floor.
We have a bipartisan corrupt Congress that is playing us all for fools. Just sayin….Your thoughts? You can tweet them at @ourrighttoknow2 or leave a comment.


PS The vast majority of us that have small investments (I use to own $2000.00 worth of stock. Now it’s $1700.00) and those with 401K’s will lose in this mess if we sell off which is why I am not selling any of it. The stock market will recover.  

A Congress, regardless of party, that treasonously serves an oligarchy must come face to face with the power of a people regardless of party, of a Nation, victims all, united against the hijacking of their government. They must come to know the consequences of their treason and corruption. They must feel and fear a 


Pass it on!

United States Day of Rage
Follow on Twitter: @USDOR  #usdor and find your state

Occupy Wall Street on September 17
Email: | telephone: +1 (516) 708-4777


What Stands in the Way of Day of Rage? The Political Base of Both Parties and Corporate Media

 What Stands in the Way of Day of Rage? The Political Base of Both Parties, Political Loyalties and Corporate Media

Author: Jeanette Borges
On Twitter: @ourrighttoknow2

What stands in the way of a United States Day of Rage with masses so numerous that Washington would actually be scared? The political base of both parties, party loyalty and the media.
The power the people have, that I have, that each of us have, lies in numbers. Without you I have no power and without me you have no power.
So how to convince a divided, utterly polarized, misinformed and lazy people that are glued to Fox and MSNBC to unite because their country is no longer a democracy because a corrupt Congress beyond belief, does nothing but pass laws and budgets to take from us to give to the highest bidders?
How do you make the case to people that look at you as if you are nuts and they are right? What do you say to people that simply shrug their shoulders and answer “what can I do, it won’t make a difference”? What do you do when all around people go about their own lives in their own worlds while their country has been taken without a shot fired, no invasion of a foreign army and no terrorist, from within?
How do you convince Republicans and the Tea Party that watch Fox News, call for “freedom, freedom, and freedom” and want to take back their government from Obama, that Obama did not take their government? He doesn’t have it. Don’t you have to know who took it to get it back? Don’t you have to know where it is? That is what Fox News does. They tell you to look where you will never get it back, because they are CORPORATE media and they are there to protect the corporatacracy and the ruling class that Congress is serving. Their sole mission is keeping the people from the truth, because an informed citizenry would skin corrupt politicians alive for what they have done in the last 10 years.
How do you take the Tea Party base that supports what the Teocons and Republicans are doing in Congress right now over the debt ceiling and convince them that there is no Tea Party in Congress? They are corrupt Teocons. How do you convince them that all this CUT, CAP and BALANCE while giving tax cuts to the uber rich, the war profiteers and Wall Street is REDISTRIBUTION OF OUR WEALTH, the very thing Fox “News” has accused Obama of?  Do they know that all the cuts in spending they want are needed to continue to fund the wars? Do they know the Teocons all voted to continue funding the wars and increased the defense budget over last year’s budget? So how will they pay for it? They HAVE to cut everything that we the people have PAID into, including Social Security that has nothing to do with the deficit.  
How do you convince these people that there is no Tea Party and fiscal responsibility in Congress least of all by them? Do they know that from day one the Teocons solicited bribes from defense contractors days before they voted on the defense budget? Do they even care because they just hate the other party so much and Fox tell them to? What does the Tea Party even stand for anymore thanks to these corrupt Teocons in Congress?
Is it really true that tax cuts for oil companies, Wall Street, war profiteers and the uber rich are necessary for jobs and to grow the economy? If it then I want them. Who wouldn’t? Maybe people that know better. Depending on what channel you watch the information on this is different. How that can even happen if we had real journalist and a Fourth Estate is another issue, but somebody is lying. I guess you would have to get out of your lazy zone and do some homework, because this is very important. Guess what you don’t have to move from where you are to do your homework. You need proof right? How about ten years of proof? You do live on this planet in this country right?  Do you need some Pulitzer Prize economist or pundit to tell you what is painfully obvious or do you simply look back at the ten years of tax cuts we’ve had for the highest bidders. Have they provided jobs in those ten years? Has manufacturing increased here in the United States? Where are the freaking jobs after ten years of tax cuts? There aren’t any. To the contrary these people have taken their money out of this county to globalize. While Congress props up their globalization they have done so at the expense of the well being of this Nation’s people. They have backstabbed you and me. If you look around you and still believe this crap you deserve to be pillaged and raped by these corrupt whores.
What is going on in Congress right this minute is one big show to serve the highest bidders without giving the appearance of doing so. I mean you can’t just tell everyone we are going to take you money to pay for wars so we can give more wars to the war profiteers and make you pay for them Ha Ha Ha. You can’t say that so you have to make something up. You have to sell them hell and call it heaven, so you call it jobs and growth. Then comes the compromise show. The Teocons and Neocons take an extreme position on tax hikes for multi billions dollar companies that are taking our jobs overseas because they seek globalization and they blame it on the Tea Party masses. It’s what “the American people want”. The Democrats in Congress of course don’t have the votes to get tax hikes. So what do we get? The compromise and bills from both parties that do not raise one cent of revenue to pay for these wars. So how do they pay for them? They will cut the money that is meant for us, like Medicare and Social Security. It’s a show and you’ve seen it before over health care. The compromise that is no compromise at all. It’s the compromise from hell.
How do you approach people in the liberal base about taking back their government from oligarchs who are set to pillage us courtesy of Healthcare Reform? What happened with health care reform? Did anyone that voted for Obama ever think that they would get a Republican law with a mandate, a half a trillion taken from Medicare to give subsidies to price gouging health insurance companies? Think about that. Half a trillion dollars from Medicare to give to private insurance companies and prices are sky rocketing because that is what corrupt subsidies do: the drive up the price. We the people were told it was compromise, in order to put 30 million more people on Medicaid. But why were there Democrats that were opposed to a public option to begin with? Why could we get the votes for subsidies to insurance companies taken from Medicare and not for a public option? Why did all Republicans oppose a public option to compete with private insurance companies? Why? That is what was needed to pass this corrupt law. It was a show.
The health insurance lobby was blamed and we all accepted it, until the midterm elections where the people simply voted for the other side.
Make no mistake: even those that did not vote decided the mid term elections. Many people disappointed with the “corruption” (the word the news never uttered) simply stayed home. The Tea Party mobilized and rightly so. Nobody liked that law. Nobody and it still stinks.
Did you ever once here the word "corruption" on either of the channels you watch for "news". No. All you heard was the left and the right and behind all that, the most corrupt law to pillage Medicare yet again to give to the highest bidders was passed.
The media called it socialism. Isn’t it fascism when government is ruled by corporations? I don’t know, but I sure as hell know it was not a government take over of healthcare. It’s an insurance company hijacking of Medicare money for price gouging policies.
But Obama had to do it; he had to compromise to give Medicaid to more people?
He HAD to? That means that he is not running this country; a corrupt Congress is and he has to submit. Like all Presidents do willingly or not.  
That means this is not a democracy. What kind of Congress do we have that they HAVE to deliver to the highest bidders? The kind that the people have allowed. People get the government they deserve and they know damn well that voting is not going to give it them. No matter who you vote, Congress will turn on you and give to the pimps they serve.
But it gets better. They are going to the mat on this, because Ryancare does the very thing Republicans criticized Obamycare for. It takes all of Medicare money and gives it to private insurance companies. Trillion of our money for the highest bidders. Think there is a difference between these parties? Please read the corruption in Obamycare and Ryancare.
We the people are labeled, segregated into neat boxes of liberals, conservative, socialists, Tea Party and libertarians and whatever else corrupt corporate oligarch media and their journalist flunkies come up with. They target their audience. For example, MSNBC will reinforce your ideology and party loyalties and give a platform for Democrats politicians to sell themselves to you. Turn the channel to Fox and if you are a conservative or Tea Party follower they will sell you on those politicians. The "news" on either channel is always the same: it centers on political divide. They tailor the news targeting a specific audience and so it is always about liberal vs. conservative.
While you are looking to the left or the right, cheering these paid propagandists on or in the alternate comatose and oblivious to a treasonous, corrupt beyond belief Congress, Congress is literally pillaging, raping and picking the meat off the bones of the American people for the highest bidders.
Nowhere on any of these channels do you hear the word “corruption” or “oligarchy”. Nowhere. Not there, not in print media, not Colbert or Stewart, Miller or Maher. Nowhere! Do you think this rampant corruption does not exist because they do not report it? Or do you know that they do not report it because they are paid by the same people that are paying Congress? Do you think the news blackout on corruption in Congress is by accident? Oligarch media exist to create the illusion, THE ILLUSION, of democracy so that we the people do not rise up and end a government of, by and for the highest bidders. They protect the status quo, because they have no love for this country, no courage and are paid off whores. When you look at Chris Mathews or Hannity think knee pads.  These people are not on your side. They are on their own side.
Give up your party loyalty and hatred for the other side fueled by corporate oligarch media who are going to do everything in their power to crush massive mobilization by dividing us. If all of us do not come together united, one channel will attack us with their propaganda depending on how they label the movement. It will be labeled as liberal or Tea Party and depending on which, the media will attack the movement to divide the masses. It already runs the risk of being labeled “liberal” because of Mr. Jarvis and the #fuckyouwashington
It will not be up to liberals to stop that. It will be up to conservatives, Republicans and yes, the Tea Party. The very people that are being blamed for this mess will be ones to make the Day of Rage successful. Make no mistake the media will descend on this like white on rice and destroy any opposition to the rulers in this country and the corrupt Congress that is playing us for fools. The media will be the most powerful enemy if the people mobilize to regain their democracy.
Will you allow it? You are allowing it now. You are allowing the taking of our country, our freedom, our way of life by a ruling class because you are too busy looking to the right or the left. Corporate media is the enemy and make no mistake: a United States Day of Rage should not be in Washington. It should be on Wall Street and in New York at the doors of the media. In cities across the Nation it should be at the doors of local media and newspaper.
To win this fight we must first neutralize the media. Stop them before they start. We must take away their very powerful tool; their weapons of mass division and distraction. We must unite and not let them label this movement anything other then a movement against corruption that renders all of us, regardless of party, powerless. Quite simply it depends on every single one of us.  Again, give up your party loyalty. Country before party and corrupt politicians.
A Congress, regardless of party, that treasonously serves an oligarchy must come face to face with the power of a people regardless of party, of a Nation, victims all, united against the hijacking of their government. They must come to know the consequences of their treason and corruption. They must feel and fear a  


Without you, every one, we as a people, as a Nation, are weak. We must be strong and respected again. It won’t happen without you. Spread the news. Report to duty. Don’t leave your fellow soldiers to fight and die alone on the battlefield that is the United States in the Land of Kings and the Highest Bidders. Fight united against corruption in our government. Take it back. Right here. Right now.  

Pass it on!

United States Day of Rage
Follow on Twitter: @USDOR  #usdor and find your state

Occupy Wall Street on September 17
Email: | telephone: +1 (516) 708-4777


Friday, July 29, 2011

Day of Rage Part 1: A Serious Choice

Day of Rage Part 1: A Serious, Life Altering and Empowering Choice

Author: Jeanette Borges
On Twitter: @ourrighttoknow2

This past weekend, while following the debt-crisis talks, journalist Jeff Jarvis launched a tirade on Twitter that led to a popular hashtag:#FUCKYOUWASHINGTON While it started with liberals frustrated with Republicans over the debt ceiling debate it soon took on a bipartisan roar of rage with the DC machine. It exploded in rage against the corruption by both parties who serve a ruling class in Congress. The outrage took Twitter by storm and from there came calls for an “American Spring”, a “fuckyouwashington march” amongst others.
It is obvious that we the people, regardless of party, are raging against corruption in Congress, but what to do with uprising on Twitter?
It is painfully clear that given current events in these United States of America and the drama in Washington, the American people are faced with a choice that they can no longer kick down the road or ignore: whether to remain divided, clinging still, to the belief that politicians in the other political party are going to govern ethically and responsibly for the well being of the people because politicians from the present party are not or abandon all notion that politicians from either party are going to govern ethically and responsibly for the well being of the people. Do we choose to accept that politicians regardless of party, with very few exceptions, are stunningly, blatantly corrupt?   
Simply, put the choice is to decide right now this moment if the raging drama over the debt ceiling, like all the dramas before it, is really opposing political ideologies or is Congress corrupt? Anyone with half a brain knows the answer.
Like so many, I have done what I thought was my role as a civic minded citizen. I took part in government and kept informed to cast a vote for the right leaders. All politicians need our votes to get elected. They exploit our beliefs, ideology and loyalty to do so. They sell themselves. They put their case forward. Legislation and budgets come along and I followed with my favorite "news" outlets that also play to my beliefs, ideology and political party loyalty. I keep abreast of the news because that is what a good citizen should do in order to elect their leaders. I write to my representatives and Senators and I even show up at protests and marches to demand from Congress that they legislate on my behalf. Unlike many though, I was not fueled by party loyalties. Instead by issues, math and logic. LOL I vote. I am a civic minded citizen. Right? So I thought.   
What happens to the politicians you vote for once they get to Washington? Shouldn't a civic minded citizen know?  No matter what political party loyalties you cling to, there is a point when you have to succumb and admit to yourself that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who you vote for because when they get elected they serve lobbyists. They serve the highest bidders. You shrug your shoulders in acceptance. You accept that it's called campaign finance and that is how elections work. Congress made it all legal.
But is it really?  What does it mean that elected leaders serve the highest bidders, a ruling class with money? Look it up in a dictionary. We are so used to it that we forgotten what it means. It's bribery. Its corruption and it means that the United States is not a democracy. It is repugnant to a constitution that guarantees a government of, for and by the people.
If Congress serves the highest bidders and by definition is corrupt are you really civic minded by fighting for a politician or an issue simply because of party? If politicians are corrupt and you are turning a blind eye to that and still following them because of party, wrong or right, aren't you just taking the easy way out? What do the vast majority of the people do? They blame, rant and rage against the other party or a President. To reinforce their rant they continue to watch the channel that will vindicate that rant. They refuse do acknowledge that Congress, regardless of party is corrupt and serves those that pay them to pass laws just for them.
By simply blaming the other party don't I give up my duty to fight the noble and necessary fight that only we the people can fight to take back our government from a select few, oligarchs that have bought by government? By simply shrugging my shoulders and accepting that this is how politics works as if the other party was the answer, don't we all concede the almighty power of the people. Aren't we AWOL, divided by choice and conquered as a consequence?
I don't want to fight on this side or that and if that is the call then I am a no show. In the alternate, if it is the fight of our lives as a people united and committed to preserve our freedoms, our way of life and our self determination to take back our government from corrupt politicians that no longer serve we the people, then that is choice that I make.
It is a grave choice. Not because I am worried about me, but because I worry with good reason that my power as a free citizen to demand from my government is nothing if I am alone. The power I have, that power that each of us has, lies in numbers. How to convince a divided, utterly polarized, misinformed and lazy people that are glued to Fox and MSNBC that their country is no longer a democracy and that elections and the media just give us the illusion of democracy to distract from the criminal syndicate that is the United States Congress that does nothing but pass laws and budgets to take from us to give to the highest bidders?
Why should you even have to?
The United States, not by paranoid conspiracy theory, but by definition is not a democracy. It is the Land of Kings, the Land of the Highest bidders. What kind of people need convincing to rise up and take it back?
There are those that say they love their country and would fight for it. They accept fighting or paying for eternal wars on foreign lands because “they are fighting for freedom and our country”.
What kind of love for country is it that you can’t, that you won’t, that you choose to look to the other party, instead of fighting for your country, in your country?
What kind of love is it that a person needs convincing?
I choose not to be that person. I don’t need to be convinced. If someone takes your country you take it back. So I choose. I choose my country above party, above Fox, MSNBC and all the other propaganda, oligarch media and above the utter cowardice of clinging to the other party.
If this movement is bipartisan against corruption and a treasonous Congress that serves oligarchs then I choose

You can too. Just spread the news.

Pass it on!

United States Day of Rage
Follow on Twitter: @USDOR  #usdor  and find your state

Occupy Wall Street on September 17
Email: | telephone: +1 (516) 708-4777


A special shout out to the true Tea Party that started under Bush in opposition to the reckless war spending, tax cuts for the corporate oligarchs and war profiteers and Medicare Part D, the trillion dollar gift to pharma and the shredding of the surplus that Bush inherited because of all of that. Corruption knows no party as we are seeing right now in Congress.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter Faxed to the Whole Congress re: #FUCKYOUWASHINGTON

This is a letter faxed today to the entire Congress re: #FUCKYOUWASHINGTON in case they thought this was a one sided protest. I don't care about copyrights. Follow on Twitter @ourrighttoknow2 and tweet your disgust at @americanspring. Tweet all you want but as some point, you have to take back your government from Wall Street, the military industrial complex, pharma, oil and gas, you get the picture. It aint't gonna happen tweeting. 

July 26, 2011

Dear Representative:

This past weekend, while following the debt-crisis talks, journalist Jeff Jarvis launched a tirade on Twitter that led to a popular hashtag:#FUCKYOUWASHINGTON While it started with liberals frustrated with Republicans over the debt ceiling debate it soon took on a bipartisan roar of rage with the DC machine. It exploded in rage against the corrupt Teocons in Congress. Tea Party followers joined in the outrage. 
The corrupt Teocons have risen the defense budget while protecting special interest and tax cuts for war profiteers. As a corrupt Congress moves to “compromise”, corrupt politicians and corrupt media have played their parts in the drama, blaming the “Tea Party” in the House. To that Tea Party followers tweeted  #fuckyouwashington “there is no Tea Party in the House, just corrupt Teocons. You have betrayed us all”.
The tweets numbered in the thousands and still continue. The rage is palpable. While some tweets lacked substance and were out there, most were aspirations of what a good government should be and that ours is no longer a government of, by and for the people and should pay.  Over and over the masses expressed that Washington is corrupt and that it does not serve the people. Politicians from both parties that are paying for eternal “conservative wars” with Social Security and give tax cuts to war profiteers. Calls for an “American Spring” and “take it to the streets” were tweeted and retweeted all thanks to the Teocons.
True, they didn't all agree with each other, but in their shouts, behind their anger, they expressed their hopes and wishes for America and corrupt politicians that are serving a ruling class and special interests.
Listen to what the people are saying. Ignore them at your peril. 
#fuckyouwashington for redistributing our wealth with eternal wars and tax cuts for war profiteers
#fuckyouwashington for using this theatre to act like both parties don’t serve an oligarchy
#fuckyouwashington because neither plan increases revenue
#fuckyouwashington for blaming tax cuts on the Tea Party masses.
#fuckyouwashington because the corrupt Teocons have betrayed us all
#fuckyouwashington for valuing corporations more than people.
#fuckyouwashington for not investigating the Lucky 13
#fuckyouwashington for never challenging us to become more noble, but prodding us to become selfish and hateful….
#fuckyouwashington for driving me to tweet blue."
#fuckyouwashington because you are whores and Teocons are liars
#fuckyouwashington for corruption beyond belief
#fuckyouwashington for saying your corrupt tax cuts are needed for jobs and the economy
#fuckyouwashington for making 'debt' a four letter word and 'fuck' an appropriate response."
#fuckyouwashington for having the compromising skills of a 3 year old."
#FuckYouWashington for selling out your own country, time and again, to the ultra rich and foreign interests. #TRAITORS
#FYW for the so called "Patriot Act", which pisses on our Constitution! #FuckYouWashington
 #fuckyouwashington for again kissing corporate ass and undermining #net neutrality and lying about what it is.
#FuckYouWashington for bailing out banks to claim it's socialism to help workers and homeowners. Hypocrites! Given me my $ back whores
#fuckyouwashington for poisoning our air, water and food and then denying us healthcare.
#fuckyouwashington #FYW for spilling fracking liquid on Pennsylvania farmland. I was going to eat that food.
#fuckyouwashington for putting our "free press" In the hands of corporate propaganda outlets and corrupt "journalists"
#FuckYouWashingtonDemocrats and Republicans, neither of you have the slightest idea what the American People want!! Quit using us as excuse.
#FuckYouWashington for failing to represent your constituents interests instead of those that gave you money for an election
#fuckyouwashington we know this is kabuki theater to steal from the poor and give our $, taken from our pay cks for old age, to the rich
A bipartisan, united #fuckyouwashington for your bipartisan corruption and academy awards winning compromises from hell; $ making corporations parasitic dependents on the people's tax dollars. They can't do anything without stealing from us.
#fuckyouwashington 4 no CUT and CAP on the wars, but on everything else.
#fuckyouwashington for treasonously selling a government of, for and by the people to oligarchs
#fuckyouwashington 4 the 4 branches of government: oil and gas, the military industrial comlex, Wall Street & pharma
#fuckyouwashington let’s take it to the streets
#fuckyouwashington let’s take it to Times Square
#fuckyouwashington for putting a free press in the hands of corrupt corporate media.

Information was tweeted and retweeted and continues. People circumventing corporate media and corrupt politicians were sharing what they know. There were links to real news. It’s amazing what an informed citizenry can do.
You want to cut, cap and balance? Cut your corruption and the wars. A corrupt Congress beyond belief continues to redistribute our wealth to a ruling class that it serves, while stating the “American people”, especially the Tea Party want this gross redistribution of wealth. While the corrupt Teocons increased the budget for the military industrial complex they want tax cuts for the war profiteers.
This will unite the American people no matter how hard corrupt politicians and corrupt media try to divide them. American Spring indeed thanks to the corrupt Teocons and the others in Congress that are using the Tea Party as an excuse to give tax cuts to war profiteers and steal from Social Security
 Keep serving oligarchs, funding eternal wars while giving a ruling class tax cuts and saying the American people want that. The American people do not want corrupt politicians to serve like whores on both knees, your pimps.
Fuck you Washington. American Spring indeed.


Jeanette Borges

cc: House of Representatives and United States Senate

PS “The government of the
United States does not represent the American people.  It represents the oligarchs.  The way campaign finance and elections are structured, the American people cannot take back their government by voting. A once proud and free people have been reduced to serfdom.” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary)

 “#fuckyouwashington 4 corrupt Teocons paying4wars w/ SS&redistributing our wealth2oligarchs”  (Mr. Roberts’ document was tweeted and retweeted with links to thousands of Tea Party followers, Republicans and Democrats alike. (Stealing from Social Security to Pay for Wars and Bailouts  By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary)  March 9, 2011)

***In the end of this Academy Award performance by both sides blaming the American people who do not want tax cuts for war profiteers, that is just what's going to happen. Cuts for war profiteers and CAPS for the American people. The corrupt Teocons gave even more then last year to the military industrial complex and want you to pay for it. This is all one big show because they can't come out and say they are serving oligarchs. Jobs my ass. They are serving on both knees the pimps whose money they solicited from day one. It's the illusion of democracy served up by corrupt politicians beyond belief and even more corrupt "journalists" who don't know how to spell "corruption" let alone report it. We keep fighting among each other while they  serve a plutocracy. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A once proud and free people have been reduced to serfdom

The Bush-Obama Agenda: Steal from Social Security to Pay for the Wars

"Alas, Social Security is an unfunded liability, because all the money working people put into it was order to pay for wars and bailouts. (Now they can't pay it back) The government of the United States does not represent the American people.  It represents the oligarchs.  The way campaign finance and elections are structured, the American people cannot take back their government by voting. A once proud and free people have been reduced to serfdom". Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury under President Reagan

Stop the propaganda and the spin that passes for "news" in this country and pass it on. Circumvent the propaganda. Only an informed citizenry can be free. Fight for that always. Create your own news chain however you want to. Just pass it on. 


Tweet, retweet, post on Facebook or text people anything on this site or the sites mentioned. I do not care about copyrights. 

Follow on Twitter @ourrighttoknow2

Who Supports Redistribution of Wealth?

Certain "journalists" and most politicians rage for or  against "redistribution of wealth", but they give us selective information that supports their own positions or the positions of those they take money from or work for.  We as a people reach opinions and makes judgments based on information we receive  and we have all reached our own.  We have to seek our own information.
Here's what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury under President Reagan and real  journalists that don't exploit party loyalty as a business model, have to say about the debate over taxes and cuts and redistribution of wealth. It is stunning. 

We should fight united against corrupt politicians in Congress. The onslaught of deceit, immorality, degradation, corruption, power grab, partisanship and greed on the American people by corrupt elected politicians from both parties who are bribed daily and serve the highest bidders with the help of an even more corrupt corporate media,is without remorse or mercy of any kind. Redistribution of wealth is a serious matter. It is repugnant to the Constitution and it was one of the causes for the Declaration of Independence because a King was taking from the people to give to himself. 
Stop the propaganda and the spin that passes for "news" in this country and pass it on. Circumvent the propaganda. Only an informed citizenry can be free. Fight for that always. Create your own news chain however you want to. Just pass it on. 


Tweet, retweet, post on Facebook or text people anything on this site or the sites mentioned. I do not care about copyrights. 

Follow on Twitter @ourrighttoknow2

Offshoring of Production, (Globalization) Contributes to the Deficit

Real journalists and ethical politicians know no party divide and have this to say:
"The other great contribution to the US deficit is the offshoring of production for US markets.  This practice has enriched corporate management, large shareholders, and Wall Street, but it has eroded the tax base, and thereby tax collections, of local, state, and federal government, halted the growth of real income for everyone but the rich, and disrupted the lives of those Americans whose jobs were sent abroad.  When short-term and long-term discouraged workers are added to the U.3 measure of unemployment, the U.S. has an unemployment rate of 22%.  A country with more than one-fourth of its work force unemployed has a shrunken tax base and feeble consumer purchasing power. Read more:
One wonders when Congress will stop propping up corporate interests and globalization (the highest bidders) as oppossed to propping up the American people and their own country.
Only an informed citizenry, regardless of party, can be free. Be informed and inform others. Pass it on.
@ourrightotknow2 on Twitter

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Compromise From Hell

To be exposed to the present day governance in these United States is to run a gauntlet of disbelief, disappointment, confusion, powerlessness and ultimately, utter and complete rage and disgust.
The onslaught of deceit, immorality, degradation, corruption, power grab, partisanship and greed on the American people by the wealthiest corporate persons and elected politicians from both parties who are bribed daily and serve the highest bidders is without remorse or mercy of any kind.
If you were alive when the British were coming, would you have asked “are they Republicans or Democrats”?  If people like that were alive then, Queen Elizabeth would be on our dollar bill now.
No matter what party you are from, I implore you to shed the Hannity’s and the Matthew’s, the right and the left of your world as the debate over cuts and taxes is raging and for a few minutes do some homework. No one is asking you to fight and die for your country. (Can't expect that from a people too busy fighting each other.) Fighting for your country today only requires you read and be an informed citizen. Don't give up after the first link now. LOL You would be surprised at how many will.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury under President Reagan and real ethical journalists, that no no party divide, have this to say about this debate and it is stunning.

Knowing what you know, maybe you can fight united against the systemic pillaging of you, the people, regardless of party. Pillaging knows know partisanship.

You don't have to fight and die for your country, just pass it on and circumvent the propaganda from both sides of this issue coming from corporate media. The issue is corruption of a Congress and Presidents that are and continue to serve the highest bidders unless we unite against THAT.

The compromise is no compromise at all. It is the plan to give the highest bidders what they want while appearing not to. It's the compromise from hell.


Only an informed citizenry can be free. Thanks and pass it on to "journalists" and your "politicians" . Stop the propaganda and the spin that passes for "news" in this country. 

Tweet and retweet and post on Facebook anything on this site. I do not care about copyrights. 
Follow on Twitter @ourrighttoknow2

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Complaint Against the South Florida Tea Party: Who Can Anyone Trust for Truth?

Below is an email I got from the Everett Wilkinson Chairman of the South Florida Tea Party It said this among other things “And Now DEBBIE Cowardly Attacks and Insults Patriot & Combat Veteran Congressman Allen West ---Debbie has gone WILD!” I wrote him back I was so taken aback. Below the email is that letter. I fight endlessly at the spread of misinformation and propaganda as I think all of us should I want to support those that do not have to lie to me to get that support. It is wrong to exploit the dissatisfaction we all have with government with lies to garnish support for this side or that side. It is just wrong.

I do not know how to post pictures and stuff on the thing but I did the best I could and you can find his email here:

I really hope it helps those that do not appreciate being exploited by anyone in any party, on any televisions station, any newspaper or anyone with access to a platform in any type of media with a captive audience.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Tea Party Action Alert [] On Behalf Of Tea Party Action Alert
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Subject: Send A FREE FAX to Congresswoman "Debbie Gone Wild" Wasserman-Shultz

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz has "Gone Wild" at the expense of taxpayers in Florida's 20th Congressional District. She has:
§                  Supported TRILLION$ of Taxpayers' Dollars in PORK Projects in the Failed Bailouts and Stimulus Bills,
§                  Supported Obamacare that established "Dealth Panels",
§                  Supported Obamacare which stripped Seniors of over $400 BILLION of Medicare Cuts,
§                  And Now DEBBIE Cowardly Attacks and Insults Patriot & Combat Veteran Congressman Allen West ---Debbie has gone WILD!

Click Here to Send A FREE FAX to Congresswoman "Debbie Gone Wild" Wasserman-Shultz!


Broward County Tea Party is hosting a rally. The theme is "CUT, CAP, AND BALANCE: SAVE OUR ECONOMY, WE'RE ON LIFE SUPPORT" Rally to be held Saturday July 23rd in front of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Office, 10100 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33026, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Attendees are requested to wear medical scrubs or Broward Tea Party tee shirts. Let's spread the word and promote this event throughout South Florida.
For more information:

Everett Wilkinson
South Florida Tea Party

South Florida Tea Party, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

©2011 South Florida Tea Party |
4521 PGA Blvd., #115 - Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
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Complaint Against the South Florida Tea Party:
Who Can Anyone Trust for Truth?

I support some of the positions the original Tea Party that started under Bush, but I don’t need to lie to make the case for it. I respectfully request that you rescind and amend the allegations in this email immediately. Ms. Wasserman was on the floor of the House and I saw what she said on CSPAN.
Watch that and tell me just how crazy Ms. Wasserman went. “Allen West and Debbie Wasserman Shultz fight over the GOP's "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill. #Colbert  
Where I do not like that Ms. Wasserman caved to the insurance lobby to pass corrupt Republican Romney care and take billions from Medicare and give it to private insurance companies, Mr. West is even more corrupt.
He supported an increase in the defense budget over last year and I filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee over this. He is the furthest thing from a “patriot” because he and those like him have transformed our government into an oligarchy and steal our money to give to the highest bidders like the vast majority of politicians from both sides. You defend him and the thievery that is pillaging our Nation. Google the Lucky 13 and McKeon.  I wrote to you about this so you could share it and pass it on, since I am on your email list you did nothing! You share the pork Democrats spend on but say nothing of the military pork both parties are stealing from Medicare to pay for! Have you no conscience? 
I don’t believe in “my party right or wrong” and our country needs courageous citizens to fight against an oligarchy that has taken our government from within instead of sitting down and comfortably slinging crap at the other side. I am appalled that you would abuse the trust placed in you.
Our problems are not easy ones, but you have to start with truth. The truth is corruption by politicians in both parties. I question your leadership and I resent being lied to by corrupt “journalists”, corrupt Democrats, corrupt Republicans or corrupt leaders of any organization which is what you appear to be. People should be able to make informed decisions based on knowledge, not propaganda.
You would do well to share with your followers the views of Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich when it comes to these eternal wars and the redistribution of our wealth because of them. Ethical politicians know no party divide and you may not agree with them on everything, but those are the politicians regardless of party one should support and find what they have in common.I guess you would have to be an informed citizen in order to do something like that.
Stealing from us to give to the highest bidders is what you should fight against. Instead you use your platform to help them. Mr. West’s is someone we all should fight against, not for, because of his thievery and corruption and Ms. Wasserman, although more likeable, can’t throw rocks when she lives in the glass House of Whores also know as the House of Representatives along with the bigger whorehouse know as the Senate.
Those of us, like me, like most of us, that listen to these “sides” to find answers and then favor them because of what they say, only to find out that they are lying to me, to all of us are abusing and exploiting us all. I want truth. We all do. I can’t stand this partisan crap behind which corrupt politicians hide. It is nothing more then a ploy to direct our attention elsewhere, instead of at their corrupt, criminal actions.
By the way, what you call Obamacare is Romneycare on steroids and the most bipartisan, corrupt piece of legislation ever “compromised” on. While Congress, both parties, prepare to compromise to STEAL my social security and yours to pay for wars, you do nothing. The American people get the government they deserve and they are going to get it good because they are on all fours barking at each other over political parties and politicians, with very few exceptions, that give a rats ass about the people once they are voted in.
You can follow me on Twitter where I am going to put this email in about an hour.


Most sincerely


PS Supporting documentation so you can share with your followers whom you seek to exploit:




Open Letter to Mcconnell, Boehner and Cantor